Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Establishing goals and meeting opportunities....The Mahalakshmi Saras Mart and MILAP....

Establishing goals and meeting opportunities....The Mahalakshmi Saras Mart , Kharghar, and the launch of MILAP....

The National Rural Livelihoods Mission has nurtured several state missions under its protective shield. The Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission Umed is also growing under this umbrella. The last two years have witnessed a phenomenal extension with increase in number of blocks under the intensive fold from 84 to 256 and the number of SHGs going up from one lakh to three lakhs. Financial support and linkages have also been growing and Rs. 439 crores have been made available to the community by way of Revolving Fund and Community Investment Fund during the last 4 years. These have led to banks providing linkages by way of loans to the extent of Rs.4000 crores.
The Mission's thrust has been on providing means for sustainable livelihoods and Maharashtra has made significant strides by providing access to over 5 lakh livelihoods genrating incomes of over Rs. 500 crores. Despite that finding markets, tying up SHGs with forward and backward linkages is still a challenge.
Annual Mahalakshmi Saras fairs, district and divisional Saras fairs keep happening. However providing space for continuous marketing of products is the biggest concern.
The Gram Vikas Bhavan, GVB, a state of art building has been constructed by the Rural Development Department to function as an institute for training and capacity building. It also has 30 stalls for exhibition and sale of products by made by SHGs. The GVB has been fully operationalised since last 6 months and used for various trainings. The stalls were however not put into use.
Time and again there has been a constant demand from all stakeholders for a permanent place near Mumbai for sale of SHG products. The stalls at GVB were ready to be put to use. Seizing this golden opportunity we decided to furnish the stalls and set up the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart, a long pending goal.
The inauguration of the stalls by the Hon"ble Minister, Pankaja Munde was therefore extremely satisfying. SHGs constantly seeking urban markets now have a window to show case and display their products.
Another important aspect is increasing the size and scale of products, diversifying them, upscaling their quality, their finish and packaging, standardising them, displaying their content details, reaching national and international markets. Some of the SHGs are doing business between Rs.5 lakhs and Rs.35 lakhs and need support and guidance to understand global markets.
This requires a devoted and dedicated team and organisation to provide them with technical support.
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), has been a pioneer in the space of innovation and entrepreneurship through its various initiatives in partnership with both Central and State governments. It has escalated businesses of social start-ups through initiatives like Millennium Alliance and
India Innovation Growth Programme. It has also been instrumental in providing training and mentorship to entrepreneurs across India through its Innovation Incubator xLr8ap in the state of Andhra Pradesh
in collaboration with the University of Texas, and another incubator initiative in partnership with Google, Google Nexus.
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) came up with this unique idea of providing support to train SHG’s who had reached up to a certain level of enterprise and taking them to the next level.
The MILAP programme (Maharashtra innovation livelihoods acceleration
program) was designed to converge the ongoing efforts of MSRLM with new and innovative training methodologies not only to provide sustainability to rural enterprises but also to ensure business growth and development.
Together they will provide incubation
and acceleration support to the SHGs to increase their revenues substantially
and provide forward linkages across India and globally for long term business tie-ups. Through this initiative SHGs will undergo rigorous trainings and will be provided handholding support to raise product standards and design to match the competition on global level. This unique programme will not only train the SHGs at the Incubation Centre but also provide an on-ground mentorship, which will enable them to incorporate the imparted training in their daily business practices. Finally, the SHGs will be sufficiently trained and would have learned enough to sustain the incorporated practices and training.
The MILAP programme was launched in the presence of Hon"ble Minister for Rural Development, Pankaja Munde, Hon"ble Member of the Parliament, Mr. Shrirang Barne, Hon"ble MLA, Mr. Prashant Thakur, Hon"ble MLC, Mr. Niranjan Davkhare, Hon"ble Mayor of Panvel, Ms. Vandana Chotmal.
The best performing banks in the public and private sector and RRBs were felicitated by the Hon'ble Minister. These included Bank of India, State Bank of India, IDBI, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Maharashtra Grameen Bank and Vidarbha Grameen Bank.
The Hon"ble Minister also distributed cheques of Revolving Fund, Community Investment Fund, Convergence Fund to the SHGs.
MSRLM is a stickler for maintaining hygienic HR policy. An employee's widow was given Rs.5 lakh on account of insurance due to his sad demise while on duty.
The highlight of the programme was the speech by Kamal Kumbhaar who rose from a small time entrepreneur to a big time businesswoman thanks to Umed. She had joined an SHG under Umed MSRLM and managed to eke a livelihood with 15 eggs. Today she generates 2.5 lakh eggs and dreams of having a unit for 15 lakh eggs. She aspires to empower and create many more women entrepreneurs like herself.
As the evening unfolded , there were so many success stories to smile about. The english song rendered by the SHGs got many claps.
MSRLM Umed is on a threshold where many SHG’s have generated minimum business through their enterprise. Through the large canvass of FICCI they hoped to reach newer horizons.
For all of us at UMED MSRLM this is a big challenge and we hope to achieve it.
As it is rightly said, "A goal established, an opportunity met, these are the beginnings of great achievements.....'

Friday, 24 August 2018

Four hours of bliss.....SBI SHG Bank loan Melawa at Aurangabad....

Four hours of bliss.....SBI SHG Bank loan Melawa at Aurangabad....

I was aboard a flight from Aurangabad to Mumbai after attending a SHG loan melava specially organised by the State Bank of India for SHG groups of MSRLM in Jalna and Aurangabad . The joy of having attended a well-organised event was on my mind. The satisfaction of facilitating clearance of 281 loan applications much more.
Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission- MSRLM Umed- works for the empowerment of women through self help groups. The first step towards it is by way of promoting inclusion of women into the mainstream of society by making them understand the importance of associating with groups. This is done through the special efforts made by Wardhinis who are trained external resource persons staying in the villages allocated to them for a fortnight to form SHGs. The ten cardinal principles or Dashasutri is explained to the women and they have to abide by the same. These include 5 financial aspects like regular meetings, savings, internal lending, repayment of loans and writing books of accounts. The remaining 5 are social aspects and include health, education, taking benefit of government schemes, participating in Panchayat Raj Institutions and sustainable livelihoods.
The next logical level is making the SHGs financially literate and educating them about various aspects of financial inclusion.
Those SHGs who follow the Dashasutri and meet regularly for 3 months are given a revolving fund of Rs.15,000/- . When the group continues to meet for 6 months they are given the CIF- Community Investment Fund of Rs.60,000/- . Both these amounts remain with the community institutions to be used by them. These amounts may appear little to some but create the foundation for bank linkages in future by inculcating the habits of saving, lending, repaying and writing books of accounts. They also demonstrate sufficiently that the groups are mature enough for bank linkages and also for creating confidence in the banking network.
As per RBI guidelines such SHGs under the NRLM fold are to be given three doses of loan for their enterprise. Targets are allocated annualy for the same and are regularly followed up. The central government also reimburses interest upto 7 percent for those SHGs who repay loans in time. The Government of Maharashtra has taken it further by bearing the remaining part of the interest on loan taken by SHGs who are on the NRLM portal. So effectively loans are available to NRLM compliant SHGs on the NRLM portal at zero percent interest.
Despite all these efforts accessing loans and finance for SHGs still remains a challenge.
It was therefore extremely encouraging when the State Bank of India, the leading public sector bank of the country decided to have a SHG loan Melava to expedite loans to SHGs of MSRLM in Aurangabad.
Due to various commitments, zeroing on the date was an issue for me as well as the bank officials. After several adjustments we decided to zero in on 24th August 2018 even though it would literally be a flying trip of 4 hours.
So after attending the State Level Bankers Commitee meeting where also I laid emphasis on the importance of financing SHGs, I zipped off to Aurangabad.
As I entered the venue I found almost 1000 women waiting in the beautifully decorated hall.
Much to my surprise, I was made to sit on a sofa at the entrance by the Regional Manager, Ms. Neelam Upadhyay I asked her what it was about. She told me that this was the tradition of Aurangabad. Very soon a khandaani pheta was tied on my head. This was for the first time I experienced such an honour. To me it symbolised the collective honour of all the women who had gathered there.
An exhibition of SHG products had also been arranged which we inagurated after lighting of the traditional lamp. Various products made by SHGs were on display there.
State Bank of India, has a historical legacy of 200 years. . It is almost like a father protecting his child. The SHG melava was an effort to expedite bank loans and out of 700 loan applications, 281 loan applications amounting above Rs.3 crores were cleared in 3 days to be disbursed in the Melava. Twelve SHGs were given certificates symbolically and the remaining certificates would be disbursed to the SHGs.
The highlight of the event was the launch of the Bhim- Aadhaar / SBI Aadhaar Pay by SBI, a digital payment acceptance solution which enables the SBI merchant or any other bank to accept payments for goods and services connecting his android phone to the fingerprint reader. The merchant has to download the app, register himself and seed his account with the bank. He has to procure a certified biometric reader with USB / USB C type connector. Actually the app is a small red device with a sensor for finger print verification. It can be carried with ease anywhere even in a small pouch due to its size
The aadhaar verification Bhim App Connector was given to 6 SHGs. This instrument could be linked to telephones like a mini pos machine. The women SHGs were also very excited to receive the same.
The response of the women SHGs and their affection was humungous in comparison to the efforts made by us to travel.
Four hours at the SBI SHG loan Melava were akin to experiencing the elixir of life. They were sheer bliss. The excitement and joy among the women was palpable.
SBI had paved the way and taken this positive step for facilitating SHG bank linkage. It would certainly be the harbinger of prosperity in the lives of almost 1000 women. Together with SBI, SHG women of MSRLM Umed would scale the heights of happiness.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Bubbly and young: CMRDFs Transforming Villages through VSTF !!!!

Bubbly and young: CMRDFs Transforming Villages through VSTF !!!!

The power and beauty of youth is so encouraging, infectious and full of life. There is a certain freshness with which young people look at the world. Combined with determination they can be channels for bringing about change in the country and the state.
The Chief Minister's Rural Development Fellowship in Maharashtra centres around this concept. Launched as a part of the Village Social Transformation Programme by the Hon"ble Chief Minister Minister of Maharashtra, Shri. Devendra Fadnavis, youth have been selected as CMRDFs to gain from their youthful energy, passion for technology and fresh perspectives. In return they would get the valuable experience of being associated with the government and administration.
Villages are the basic unit of administration., the centrefuge of activity. Self-sustained villages form the core of the Village Social Transformation Mission, the state’s flagship rural development project. The mission is a collaborative effort between the government and the corporate world. It aims at harnessing the strength of the corporates for overall development of the village through knowledge sharing and critical gap funding. The aim of the mission is sustainable development of 1,000 villages in the state by providing infrastructure as well as ensuring quality last mile service delivery in the villages which are socially and economically challenged and need to develop various options in livelihood, improve infrastructure and connectivity. The focus on these villages is to create an inclusive growth model and transforming them into model villages that are self-sustainable by collaborative and focused efforts. 
This unique cocept has fired the imagination of corporates like Tata Trusts, Aditya Birla Group, Reliance Foundation, Mahindra Group, Hindustan Unilever, Axis Foundation, HDFC Foundation amongst others. Together they have created an enabling platform for speedy implementation by incorporating “Village Social Transformation Foundation” (MVSTF) a section 8 not-for-profit organization. The Board to Patrons of the foundation headed by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra consists of Ratan Tata, Anand Mahindra, Rajashree Birla, Anna Hazare among other eminent personalities.
The Chief Minister’s Rural Development Fellowship Program (CMRDF) started in December 2016 aims at harnessing any graduate between the age of 20 to 30 years who is willing to stay in the village assigned to him or her and commit atleast 3 years to its development. The Fellowship is for a year with a monthly stipend of Rs 30,000.
The fellows are selected through a gruelling and transparent process of screening through a written examination and interview. The first batch has 350 Chief Ministers Rural Development Fellows (CMRDF)/ Gram Parivartaks are working across 19 Districts and 700 Villages in Maharashtra. Another 100 have been selected in the second and third batch.
After completing their initial training and village mapping, survey and preparation of village plan they had been called to YASHADA, the apex training institute for deeper orientation of the schemes. The week long programme included training on various schemes of the rural development, sanitation, water conservation, agriculture, animal husbandry, MGNREGA, MSRLM- livelihoods etc.
I had been invited for the valedictory function. Interacting with this enthused group was extremely energising. Perched on the bark, eager to fly they did have doubts. Specially since they are not a part of the government, fresh and without much experience with the danger of not being taken seriously. They must be encountering various challenges in the villages beginning with accommodation, food, transport etc. Yet they were extremely positive and on a threshold where their intrevention could make that difference, give a new perspective to the development of the village. All they needed was moral support and some mentoring by the local administration. They were probably like the contact lenses in the eyes which are akin to placing a foreign object in them causing initial discomfort but once adjusted to, they make things clear and easy.
However what was important was to remain focused and comitted to their assignment, contributing positively to the growth of the village. They had this unique opportunity of direct access to none other than the Hon"ble Chief Minister of the State. Their ideas could reach the topmost levels in administration. It was therefore important to channelise thoughts with positivity bringing in their strength which would ultimately give them recognition.
They had embarked on a journey of development with this unique opportunity to participate in governance and contribute to development of rural Maharashtra. The older generation was the past, the children,  our future but the youth represented, the present. They are the "now" and the time was theirs to work for the cause.
Two of the trained CMRDF representatives shared their experiences on the benefits of the 7 days of training. They reflected the enthusiasm of all their batchmates.
For me it was a joy to be surrounded by these powerhouses of talent on a relaxed Sunday afternoon. I counted om my blessings as I took their commitment to work for the self help groups of Umed MSRLM. The resounding claps at my welcome and my departure indicated their eagerness, passion and zeal. No wonder, there was a smile on my lips and a spirit in my gait as I walked out.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

"Mann Rachnaayein", Mind, heart and soul....

" Mann Rachnaayein ", Mind, heart and soul.....

Being human is perhaps the most intriguing part of living on this planet. Having a heart, mind and soul is another wonder. Our heart, the size of our palm enclosed, with four chambers pumping blood, sending it to all parts of our body and making us live, breathing, kicking and feeling.
Our brain, a hard nut from outside but as tender like the coconut inside with millions of electrons constituting our mind.
Our body in its physical existence together with the mind and the heart becoming our soul sets us apart from any living creature.
In rare instances of our life we find the body, mind, heart and soul in unison experiencing the ethereal world of pure joy.
11th August 2018, will remain one such day not only in my life but also in the life of those who care for me and came to celebrate the fairy tale of my creativity.
My tryst with writing Hindi poetry was a sheer coincidence of love, belief and trust reposed in me.
My induction training into IAS at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of Administration, Mussourie led to many new friendships. Among the friends I made was Sumedha Kataria, who moved on to be a mentor, philosopher, guide, friend and Guru all rolled into one. With her began my journey of re-acquaintance with literature, poetry and music, a world, I had left behind in the muddle of my mundane existence.
Managing my career, home and life not necessarily in that order had taken it's toll. I had lost track of the songs I sang, the books I read and the fun I had. Meeting Sumedhaji brought back all those finer aspects into my life. Bhagvat Gita, Ghalib, Mehdi Hasan and sufiyaana melted my frozen mind and gave flow to my creativity.
And lo and behold, I started writing poetry in Hindi, a language I hitherto used to speak or use quite like any other Mumbaikar. I now started using it to express my innermost thoughts and feelings, sharing them with Sumedhaji. And she in all her magnanimity encouraged me, guiding me and goading me to take my first steps into poetry. This was my first experience with the power of positivity of a noble soul, of how one's inner strength can give wings for another to fly. My average day became a fountain of creativity with a desire to write and live up to her expectations.
Along with her were Rekha, my professor from the University of Pune and Pooja, my friend- confidante, sakhi. They steered clear my doubts and supported me so much with their conviction that I felt convinced of myself. I used to write and send my poems to the three and wait eagerly for their response.They not only gave a good feedback but corrected my grammatical or other mistakes. These bountiful ladies laid the trappings of my beautiful book on poetry.
However, it was Sumedhaji who gave it shape and style and its additional worth by choosing five poems and setting them to tune. This was the biggest surprise of my life and the culmination of my innermost desire of launching a book came true. "Mann" our mind has the innate power and ability to make or break a person. Our success and failure depends on how we lead it. The innumerable emotions we feel in our heart get translated into thoughts in our minds and become powerful tools for our existence. The purity of our thoughts gives shape to the happenings in our life. My innermost thoughts and mind looked up to the essence of this unadulterated virtue and so I was christened to be, "Mann Vimal" and "Mann Rachnaayein" was the outcome of those thoughts.
My father was to be away from Mumbai for two months from the 16th August so organising a function in a short span of 5 days was the challenge which I undertook with the blessings of God.
My nonagenarian father consented to bless me with the release steering clear the path of any imaginary hurdles too. My immediate family including my brothers, bhabhis, sister, aunt, cousins, neice, my husband, in-laws and their extended family in all their magnamity concurred to be with me. My friends and colleagues including the renowned Director Ashok Kaul, came along to perk me up even further.
A celebrity of the stature of Kailash Kher arriving with the benevolence of the mighty Kailasaa. It was a certainly scene straight out from a fairy tale as if Shiva and Vishnu and all the Gods had descended to bless me along with all the beautiful people who came for the launch.
My teenage son, Vishnuchittan taking over the mantle of conducting the show, my sister Malathi, speaking about our family with elan set the tone of everyone's mood. This was not a routine event but one where heart's felt that tug, throats felt that lump, eyes moistened with tears of joy, love, happiness and a sense of pride and belonging. My neice Anagha's glowing face and flowing words added the youthful charm. Generous words of encouragement from Sumedhaji, sagacious thoughts of Ashok Kaul and the unfeigned words from  Kailash Kher added with his soulful rendition made my day memorable.
The arrival of blessings of Lord Laksminarsimhan from the Ahobila Mutt temple, Chembur combined with the blessings of our Acharya Azhagiyasingar made the day divine.
Vikas Relhan of VK Rehmaa Waves from Kurukshetra, Nainy and Akshi electrified the atmosphere with their invigorating performance by setting my words to lilting music. My words gelling beautifully with Vikas's creative genius expressing gratitude to God.
My book of poems, "Mann Rachnaayein", designed most creatively by Dilip Kawli of Media R&D in record time with such precision and quality.
My brother Rajan's profound expression of gratitude and love reverberating in his feelings for his little sister and for all the lovely people who had descended to make this day most beautiful was as moving.
I am still in a state of trance, unable to find words which would give exuberance to my thoughts and feelings of gratitude to God, to my family and friends who made this day possible.
I have been blessed to be born to my Amma and Appa who nurtured me with so much love that I was able to face the ups and downs in my life with integrity, holding my head high with the confidence of the trust they reposed in me. Our births into good families and our bondings with good people are matters of chance. More often than once God has blessed me with this chance. I am truly blessed and indebted to Him for this kindness and munificeience. I remain in gratitude and all I can say is thank you.....

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope...

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope... God created us in pairs : man and woman; not as competitors, but as equals designed to com...