Monday, 29 March 2021

Kavi Neeraj , Holi and Colours of life....

Kavi Neeraj , Holi and Colours of life....

It was holi today but without the usual fanfare. There was no calling out to neighbours, no hurry to rush down in the building, no colours to play with and of course no freedom from cooking.
 Our society has this  tradition of celebrating holi clubbed with community breakfast and lunch.
Last year we didn't play with colours but could enjoy the sumptuous meals. This year, thanks to the virus, that too wasn't possible. 
Holi is one festival that brings us all together makes us rejoice by forgetting our grudges, and forgiving our enemies. The profoundity of colours put forth the various hues of life. The pinks and yellow remind us of friendships and spring,  the blues and blacks of the troubles in life, the reds fill us with vibrance, the greens with good health and cheer and  and the whites with peace.
However this year Holi was colourless, maybe leaving it to each one of us to figure our own colour. And truly speaking aren't colours actually devoid of any shades similar to our thoughts reflecting the light of a few or absorbing others?
Our minds too are like colours  moulding our reactions and  responses. No wonder at times we are able to cope with the most difficult situations while at times we spoil things by over-reacting.
To those who have lost their near and dear ones to covid or are facing difficult times this Holi was certainly colourless, faded and jaded. 
Sometimes one has to accept that things may never go back to how  they used to be for ultimately life goes on and we have to learn to live with it. 
Incidentally Dr.Chander Trikha a renowned poet, writer and President Haryana Sahitya Academy shared poignant lines from
Kavi Neeraj's poem on Holi.
करें जब पाँव खुद नर्तन, समझ लेना कि होली है
हिलोरें ले रहा हो मन, समझ लेना कि होली है
किसी को याद करते ही अगर बजते सुनाई दें
कहीं घुँघरू कहीं कंगन, समझ लेना कि होली है
कभी खोलो अचानक , आप अपने घर का दरवाजा
खड़े देहरी पे हों साजन, समझ लेना कि होली है
तरसती जिसके हों दीदार तक को आपकी आंखें
उसे छूने का आये क्षण, समझ लेना कि होली है
हमारी ज़िन्दगी यूँ तो है इक काँटों भरा जंगल
अगर लगने लगे मधुबन, समझ लेना कि होली है
बुलाये जब तुझे वो गीत गा कर ताल पर ढफ की
जिसे माना किये दुश्मन, समझ लेना कि होली है
अगर महसूस हो तुमको, कभी जब सांस लो 'नीरज'
हवाओं में घुला चन्दन, समझ लेना कि होली है
- कवि नीरज

The festival of Holi is an expression of love, affection and bonding in the community. It signifies the unison of mind, heart and soul creating a bond in the community. And as Kavi Neeraj says,  for a heart full love any day can be Holi...

Sunday, 21 March 2021

विश्व जल दिवस...

विश्व जल दिवस...
अमृत धारा सा जल
कभी ना हो आँखों से ओझल
बुझती हैं जिससे प्यास हमारी
गवा ना दे हम पूँजी न्यारी
करें ना दूषित बनकर दानव 
संजोए इसे बनकर मानव
जल से ही जीवन और संसार
फिर क्यों बूँद बूँद का करें संहार
अपनाएं इसे दिन में हर बार
जल संरक्षण ना रहें सिर्फ विचार 💧💦
मन विमल 

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