Saturday, 24 March 2018



Her engagement to him was sudden, like a romance out of the blue. Cupid struck in the background of an arranged marriage. For those of us who are unable to find our partners or unable to have that 'love marriage', our parents have to undetake the ominous task of matchmaking. The horror stories begin with the matching of ' horoscopes'. What follows thereafter are meetings with the prospectives which are not necessarily exuberating. The youth of this day view this rigmarole as archaic yet have to undergo it as an option if they are not 'cupid' enough in finding a life partner. Though social media and the openess in modern times have made such meetings less embarassing as kids get the option to meet by themselves. The process is still cumbersome.
Amidst all these worrisome thoughts was Varsha on the threshold of marriage. Horoscopes were exchanged and prospective grooms examined. The desire to find someone in Mumbai was foremost.
It was therefore a matter of great joy when Anirudh and Varsha's horoscopes matched. What was even more encouraging was the broadmindedness of his father in emphasising that the choice of the boy and girl was most important and that they should meet by themselves and decide. There was no looking back. Things fell in place and we were blessed with the most wonderful groom for Varsha and a made for each other couple. A quick engagement happened and was followed by many joyful moments. The families excitedly began the preparations for the wedding.
Everyone was in a happy mood waiting eagerly for the wedding. The first shocker and dampener was the suddem demise of our beloved eldest brother-in-law at Bengaluru. It was the first blow. Suddenly my mother also fell ill and left for her heavenly abode. Another grand aunt of Varsha too passed away. The biggest shock was yet to come when Varsha's maternal grandmother passed away all of a sudden hardly a week before the marriage. Her parents, specially her mother was shattered. Her father worried. As we rushed to the hospital where her grandmother was declared to be no more Varsha was uncontrollable with sorrow. Though the demise was sad and sudden her grandmother may have had the premonition and had therefore instructed that come what may the wedding was to happen. It was therefore decided that the wedding would take place as scheduled.
The environs were certainly dull. To rejoice or no was the dilemma. Most of us felt whether having a joyful celebration was appropriate. The mehndi and sangeet functions were therefore morose. Though the DJ was belting out number after number nobody came forward to dance. Each one was waiting for the ice to be broken.
I suddenly derived the strength and took it upon myself to break the ice. This was once in a lifetime celebration for Varsha and we had to make it special. As i started dancing to the tune of Mehndi hain rachnewaali, my co-sister and Varsha' s mother burst into tears but settled soon. The stage set for celebration there was no looking back. The wedding and reception were conducted with gaiety. The only sore thing was the absence of Varsha's mama and mami who couldn't make it to the wedding due to the period of mourning but the presence of their children made up for that loss.
Destiny makes us go through so many trials. So many times we are caught unawares. We make plans of rosy tomorrows not knowing that the Lord in heaven has other plans. The sad and sudden deaths in a row not only made us extremely tense and worried but also question the propriety of a joyful wedding. All the persons who had passed away had completed all cycles of their life. They had had the satisfaction of living life fully. While the departure of a close relative leaves a void in our lives,  at times we need to move ahead with sagacity. The decision to go ahead with Varsha's wedding was the need of the hour and it was accomplished with great satisfaction with the blessings of the Lord and all the departed souls.
The biggest lesson learnt was to stand steadfastly in sorrow and be prepared to face them. To be there with each other and the family in times of trouble. To realise that the darkest hours are before the morning. That sunshine will adorn our path so one musn't look forlorn nor give up. Death may close many chapters but it also opens many new ones. It is perhaps better to do one's best for the living than be ritualistic after someone's demise.
Varsha and Anirudh are now on a honeymoon in their dream destination.
Destiny completed the circle of life. God is gracious and kind. Life has many ups and downs but is certainly beautiful.


  1. Beautifully written, loved reading this! I'm so glad you started a blog atthai :)

  2. Vimala, lots effort taken, well written. Its very true man proposes God! Disposes.
    With all your support and blessings of elders, we could overcome the difficult situations.

    1. Ravi, it has been a tough tine for all of you. It was so sudden and at such an unopportune time....anyway things went off well though you and Vanita were missed

  3. Each of your piece of writing is so well written...This one is about n event in d family n happenings before n after that...Lessons learnt r explained so nicely...I m a fan of ur expressive skills Mam. It's a privilege for me to read this blog Mam

    1. Sush, I also am glad i have started writing. Thoughts are chanellised or else days were friterring...after Amma's death i have a void in my life and thought of chanelising it this has least i am.not very low....


  4. Thats you,madame.with your exuberance around, gloom dare not prevail. Your are blessed with knack of spreading sunshine and happiness. Bless you.

    1. You are so generous with your compmiments....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Waiting eagerly for the next post!


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