Monday, 26 March 2018

Silver Jubilee.....

Silver jubilee....

The morning sun made me get up with wishes for my husband's birthday. Apart from the 'Paal Payasam' made as prasadam it was another day with the three of us going our respective ways to school or work.
A call from one of my friends reminding me that 25 years ago on this auspicious day we had joined government service set my thoughts rolling.
I was in the 5th standard in the St.Aloysius High School, Bhusawal when a motivational talk by Mr.D'sa an ex-student of our school who had become an IAS officer inspired me and remained in my mind. The seeds of my journey to achieve the goal of becoming an IAS officer were sown in my mind.
Reaching there has been a circuituos path and a long long struggle. Nonetheless, I have reached the destination. And today when i look back 25 years.....25 years....such a long time actually feels like yesterday when i began my journey with stars in my eyes and dreams in my heart.
I attempted for the Maharashtra State Public Service examination along with the Union Public Service examination. My joy knew no bounds when I got selected as a Sales Tax Officer, a class 1 gazetted officer in the Sales Tax Department in the Government of Maharashtra. This perhaps was the first step towards my goal. A long time has elapsed since my first posting yet my memories are fresh. I still recall how I entered into the sales tax office building, a combination of confidence, hope and pride that I was to join one of the most important departments of the prestigious state government services.
I was already working as a lecturer in History in the University of Pune. It was a difficult decison to leave from there specially since I was equally good in academics and the Head of the Department of History felt that I was more suitable for academics than administrative services. In fact he sounded me about the follies of leaving saying that I would be a square peg in a round hole, highly unsuitable to fit in any other job apart from teaching.
However civil services was not only my own dream but also that of my father. To him it was important that I appear for UPSC and become an IAS officer. I was already preparing for the UPSC examinations and had given the preliminary examination and so chose to join Sales Tax since i felt that soon I would make it to the UPSC.
So i entered Vikrikar Bhavan exactly a year ago on this day , the 26th March 1993.
A job gives us so much of satisfaction and security and when that job is a permanent gazetted officer's class 1 post, it makes one feel much more secure. I felt grateful and blessed for having got this opporrunity which only a few got. I had anyways made up my mind that I would be appearing again for MPSC to improve my rank and also for the UPSC to achieve my ultimate aim of becoming an IAS officer. My heart was joyous and mind reeling with thoughts of the next milestone of UPSC.
The first few months went off in training and after that I slowly started settling down in my work as a Sales Tax Officer. However I cleared the next MPSC examination again and was selected as a Deputy Collector. As we went to the MPSC office to find out the future course of action , we had to cross a shop selling music casttes and playing sad songs. One of friends went up to him and requested him to play happy songs and we almost danced instead of walking on the streets.
There are so many spontaneous things one does when young. Also one dreams of success and satisfaction of having got the opportunity to do something for the society.
25 years ago this day i had a stable job with one thing less to worry about. The long hours of labour and burning the midnight oil were bearing fruit. I was on a threshold with thoughts in my mind to contribute to the state's growth and self devlopment.
As a Deputy Collector, I had the opportunity to work on different posts and complete a number of projects. I have had the immense satiafaction of working as a Sub-divisional Magistrate, of conducting elections peacefully, rehabilatIng project affected persons, acquirig land for important infrastructure projects etc.
Now that I have been nominated into IAS that desire too has been fulfilled. Working as CEO, MSRLM for the empowerment of women through self help groups iin the Department of Rural Development is very satisfying.
A journey which began 25 years ago has been enriching with various opportunities and challenges, ups and downs. At times I felt that i have been able to live up to my own expectations and at times i have felt lost. As a woman there are multiple roles one plays at home. One has to balance the home front and family with work and balancing both is tough at times. One does undergo a lot of guilt when one is unable to find time for home and the kids. Most women undergo this dilemma to a large extent unlike men. However the support of my family made my path smoother. Except for a few occassional hiccups things have been positive.
Being on the cutting edge in the state government has enabled me to contribute positively to the growth and development of the society. There were times when I felt dejected and lost. A few people let me down and did things to make me feel upset or little. A lot of things I wanted did not happen. However many more people made me feel better, infused confidence in me and gave me the strength to surge on. My will power, faith and hope kept me going. I look back today without bitterness and with contentment and gratitude for what I have rather than what I don't have. I am healthy, positive and happy. With God on my side what more do I want?


  1. Wow.. Congratulations for rendering service for 25 years....You hv done justice your job n ur dreams mam n in doing that you hv inspired many like us...

  2. Thanks so much for the genetous compliments.....

  3. Congratulations Vimala for reaching this far and on Ur journey, to have helped many on the path.
    Best wishes for Ur journey ahead.

  4. Your long path to success is an inspiration for the generations to come. Immensely happy and proud of your achievements. May you have more laurels adorning your life.

    1. We were fortunate to be grounded by our parents and nurtured by our teachers...and friends like you....thanks foe being there.....

  5. Great Journey.
    It's an inspirational for us.

  6. Wah janab wah!!! Heartiest congratulations on successful completion of 25 years in services!!

    You are a prolific creative writer on whose dictat words flow so spontaneously.
    I feel both amazed and proud to read your blogs which show such versatility!! Kudos!

  7. Feels so good when your mentor appreciates you....Thanks for xoming into my life and transforming me....this creativity has been infused by you.....


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