Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Snap out of the gloom.... the glass is still half full.....Of Kanakaabhishekam and petals of gold....

Snap out of the gloom.... the glass is still half full.....Of Kanakaabhishekam and petals of gold....

Four months ago, Amma, my mother went to Vaikuntam....it was quite sudden and we were unprepared. There were occasions when she had been more critically ill and had bounced back. We thought this time also it would be the same but it wasn't. Life is certainly unpredictable. Six months ago we were dreaming of today, my father's 90th birthday to be celebrated as a grand occasion. 'Kanakaabhishekam' as it is known is literally showering of gold on the divine couple by the grand children or actually the great grand children. It is a fulfillment of having seen the fourth generation. With my mother passing away this was not possible.
My father must be feeling this loss the most. He is a man of few words keeping emotions to himself. It was my sister who decided that we may not be celebrating but we could get together as family and be with him. After we decided on that, the last few days were tumultuous for me as I underwent the painful moments of my mother's departure in my mind again and again and the loneliness of my father.
My son shares his nakshatra birthday with my father. There have been occasions like my father's 80th birthday, the 'Sathabhishekam'- "Sahasrachandra Darshan" when we have celebrated his birthday too along with my father's birthday. It was in his magnanimity that my father said, I cannot celebrate my birthday but let us celebrate Vishnu's birthday. It is his day and is equally important. In his usual enthusiasm, he went ahead and fixed pooja and prayers for Vishnu at the Ahobila Mutt Narasimha Temple. He also said that I must organise a family dinner at our place for Vishnu.
I suddenly snapped out of my gloom and
and went on to appreciate the glass which was half full. Instead of grieving for the half empty glass devoid of Amma, I felt grateful that Appa had made me plan to celebrate for Vishnu. It was his magnamity and the positivity which made me feel hopeful. We could still be together as family, pray and be thankful for the good things we have. We are ceratinly lucky. Amma is not here physically, but she must be blessing us from Vaikuntam. So to Appa, his love and undying spirit "Happy Birthday " God is certainly showering petals of gold as blessings not only on him but on all of us too......


  1. Yes, vimalaji, glass is not just half full ,it is refillable,too. I love this spirit and enthusiasm. My God bless dear dear vishnu with all the joys of the world and all that he aspires to do and be. My warm regards and prayers for Appa's long, healthy, happy life.

    1. Thank you so much....yes some moments have been filled by you too in the glass.....

  2. Nicely written Vimala.All of us have to pass through this phase of life sooner or later. But it should be positivity on which we should focus to garner courage and enthusiasm to face travails of life.

  3. https://m.soundcloud.com/venkatesh-varadhachary/navo-bhavathi-blessing-mantr

  4. Separation is the price we pay due to ageing.My good wishes and blessings to Raman and Vishnu.

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