Thursday, 14 June 2018

Teeny weeny to teenager.....

Teeny weeny to teenager....

It's 14th June, a big day for my son...he is a teenager today. A day to celebrate a milestone in his life and 13 years of my motherhood. A day to savour the joys of having a son like Vishnu....And here I am, at the call of duty at Delhi, 1400 kilometres away waiting to be back to Mumbai, to see his beautiful face and reassuring smile.
The woes of appearing and re-appearing for the civil services exam are many. The rigmarole also led to my late marriage. Motherhood although delayed was a miracle, a blessing out of the blue almost 9 years after our marriage.
It was Diwali time and I had gone to my sister's place for a short break. It was there that I discovered that I was expecting. It took some time for the feeling to sink in. Suddenly everyone in the family, specially my father-in-law was rejoicing.
The days of my pregnancy however were turbulent on the professional and personal front. Managing professional life was not as big a challenge as managing my personal life specially when medical reports indicated the possobility of a child with Down's syndrome.
The Doctor, a renowned gynaecologist and an experienced professional advised me with termination of my pregnancy. Another Doctor relative questioned how I could possibly manage a child affected with Down's in my busy schedule and in any case she felt that the sitaution was  avoidable.
To me, even a thought of doing that was unimaginable. Sharing this news with my parents or father-in-law would have killed their joy and made them unnecessarily apprehensive. So my husband and me kept this information to ourselves. The only other person who knew my state of mind was my sister. I am a firm believer in God and knew that things would be good. I had waited for 9 years for this moment and I was not going to let any medical report spoil that joy.
My then boss who is a medical professional supported my conviction. "Aren't children with Down's not lovable? Don't they love their parents?", he asked. In fact they love them more was what he said in the same breath. This gave me added confidence.
I just let go my inhibitions, got engrossed in work and did everything that was normal. Days flew and soon it was time for my delivery. My sister and brother-in-law had lovingly invited me for my delivery to their home in Hyderabad. I happily accepted it and decided to go my sister's place for my delivery. Not only because we are extremely close to each other emotionally but more so because she is magnanimous to understand my idiosyncrasies and accept them. The added advantage was that the gynaecologist was not only a renowned doctor but also her relative. So Vishnu was born at Hyderabad.
Considering my age the delivery was to be a C-section. As the doctor began the procedure my heart pounded with fierceness of a gong. The baby was out in minutes and the doctor declared that I had been blessed with a boy. As they showed me my bundle of joy from a distance my whole being radiated with thankfulness, gratitude and joy. The feeling to see a normal child is indescribable. All the bottled emotions flowed out.
My journey thereafter has been wonderful with each passing year.
Watching Vishnu grow up has been life's greatest pleasure. He was a very manageable child, rarely cried. And even if he did he could be pacified easily. His eyes twinkled with laughter, his long porcupine hair attractive, his demeanour cheerful. He was therefore the apple of everyone's eye.
I came back to Mumbai 3 months after he was born and continued to remain on leave. Each day with him would be exciting and different. I would spend hours admiring his beauty, enjoying his sweet touch, gurgling sounds.
For us , as parents, each milestone was a moment of pride, the day he turned , sat up, stood up, put his first forward, spoke the first words. Those moments will always be treasured by both of us as parents. My father-in-law and co-sister along with a dear old nanny were my support system. Our neighbours were like an extended family always there to help me out. Occassionally my parents also joined.
I went back to work after a year at home on a post which was less demanding and also near home. Leaving Vishnu behind would initially lead to guilt. Slowly, I learnt to overcome my guilt and manage my work and home efficiently. My family and husband supported me in the same.
When he became two we put him in a play school. I was heartbroken to see his tears but he was quick in making friends and settled soon.
He joined regular school in Thane at Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School. My joy knew no bounds when he was selected to make the introductory speech in his school programme. Barely four he stood ground on a stage with over 1000 audience in front of him. Tears of joy kept flowing as I watched him speak and lauded by the audience. Since then till now he has brought us endless joy.
Unassuming and friendly he mixes easily and is the most undemanding. I have never been embarrassed by his behaviour at any time nor was I afraid to take him to any shop for fear of unreasonable demands.
His positivity, confidence and sense of humour are amazing and many times make me think of him as my mentor. Maybe the hardships I encountered and my unshed tears had reached him though the umbilical cord. No wonder he is always concerned about my well-being. He is quick to make a refreshing glass of juice when I come tired or even press my sore feet and back when i am exhausted. He had taken good care of his grandfather too when he was alive.
His charm is endearing and being angry with him for the sole reason of occasional neglect in study is short-lived. One look at his cute smile is enough to drive away irritation of any kind.
Being more of a friend it's easy to share all my thoughts, fears, anxieties with him and be sure of receiving the correct response. He has brought calm into my turbulent life.
All good things including our first car, airconditioner and holidays are thanks to him.
He is also the perfect blend of modernism and the traditional. I initiated him into learning shlokas and sampradaayam when he was merely four, taking him for classes to the temple and the Desika Sabha and also an aunt. He was the darling of all the gurus when he recited the shlokas. Till date he follows with bhakti and devotion the path of our Acharyas. It fills me satisfaction and gratitude.
As parents we did not want  to burden him with any classes. When he was five, he himself told me that he was interested in learning cricket and I should enrol him for cricket coaching. Since then, I have seen his love and passion for cricket grow manifold. His knowledge about the game and players amaze me.
From a bonny child to a compassionate teenager he has brought me countless moments of joy. My life would have been so incomplete without him.
As I travel back to my home, to be with him on his special day, I am full of gratitude to God that he blessed me Vishnu. Life's journey would certainly not have been as wonderful nor would it have been so lovable if not for him.
On his 13th birthday when he is a teenager, my wish for him is to continue having faith in himself.
As a student, cricketer, he has immense potential. What is more important is his growth, attitude and development as an individual. His moorings, belief, God's blessings and best wishes of family, friends and well-wishers have kept him grounded. They shall surely lead him to light. As i think of him on my journey back to Mumbai, I find myself smiling....His words, "Be positive Maa" ring in my ears and all I can say is.... Happy 13th birthday my darling....


  1. Got to know of ur journey to motherhood..Reading this...Thank goodness that u thought positively n went ahead when the doc who guided u otherwise...As we love Vishnu who is growing up to b a gentleman. U n Rameshji have really instilled in him all important values. Such nice message for a child from his mother on his bday...I wish him all d happiness n success

    1. Sush, thanks so are special....

  2. Thanks Vimala for this beautiful, challenging and faithfilled journey. This is Vishnu's best birthday gift from a Mother to a Son. Holding you, Vishnu, Ramesh and your family in grateful prayer.

    1. Thank you so much Gera....feels so good to receive blessings through your prayers...

  3. Happy birthday to dear Vishnu and congrats to the proud Mom. The post is just perfect expression of a dotting mother for a perfect child-cum-mentor Vishnu.

  4. Beautiful description, Vimala! You and Ramesh are truly blessed to have Vishnu and of course he too is blessed!

  5. It takes so much of courage and lovely heart to share such an inspiring life experience with is something that is expected from a brave and strong yet soft and lovely person like u mam. I always admired vishnu for the kind of smart, understanding, friendly and lovable boy he is. But now i came to know it all came from you and sir. Vishnu and mam both of u are lucky to have each other. Lots of wishes to Vishnu.

    1. Thank you so much Shail....What a are you both and Anushka....

    2. Hello mam, we are gd and in alld. Anushka now talks in such a way that u have to meet her to listen and b surprised. Its a blessing to see all kids growing and learning so many things, then analysing and using them in their own way.. Its amazing.

    3. So happy to hear about Anushka...blessings....


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