Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Navratri, Maa and blessings....

Navratri, Maa and blessings....

Today is the first day of Navaratri. It is also the first Navaratri without Amma. The installation or Golu, ghatastapanaa by Tamilians is done on Amavasya. So effectively our ghatastapanaa happened day before yesterday. I was in a hurry to leave to Delhi for a meeting and had no time to think or brood as I completed installation of the kalash and praying to God.
I felt the pinch of her absence yesterday as we installed the " Golu". My methodical husband and enthusiastic son were helping me to set the dolls of "Golu" and made things easy.
As Vishnu , called out to me, I remembered my mother, Amma.....
Amma loved festivities, festivals and people . She specially looked forward to Navaratri when many people would come home for the traditional "vettalai paaku" or "Haldi Kumkum". Singing devotional songs and eating yummy "sundal" ( bolied lentils or nuts seasoned in oil with mustard seeds) is an integral part of Navaratri. This was something she loved. It was but natural for me to remember her and miss her even as Appa said on the phone that this was the first Navaratri he too was away from Mumbai.
As I prepared prasadam in the morning , a sudden sense of loss overcame me. How could one reach out to someone is who is no more? The mind, the heart and the umbilical cord kept me connected with her even though physically she was no more. I could almost feel that lump again in my throat when I brushed aside the gloom and started singing praises of Sriman Narayana.
There was a sudden transformation in my thoughts as I connected with the Lord. I was in unison with Him as I stirred the prasadam and sang praises of the Lord.
I had managed to channelise my thoughts positively and remember my mother fondly without despair. Of course the void created by her physical absence was there but mentally, I felt more composed and agile, more connected to her.
I could sense her smile, her appreciative nod and soundless claps as I sang, " Kurai Ondrum Illai" a very popular tamil song written by the Governor-General of India, C. Rajagopalachari. Sung by the revered M.S.Subalakshmi the song is unique as it expresses thankfulness to God.
It goes on to say that he had no complaints against the Lord as he knew that he was sustained by the Lord who was compassionate and bountiful to grant him everything without asking for it!
Much at peace with myself after chanting Govinda Govinda, I realised that ultimately it is the mind which makes us strong, it is the mind which enables us to reach out to our souls and it is the mind which makes us follow the correct path in life.
Navaratri which essentially emphasises on the victory of good over evil and the empowerment of our minds through shakti was an occasion to strengthen our minds through the blessings of Devi.
Amma as a mother was no less than that. My mind free from clutter I continued chanting Govinda Govinda as I stirred the prasadam seeking his blessings to receive as well spread the sweetness in everyone's life and to make each one's life truly blessed.

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