Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Marghazi, Margashish and Krishna, Saint Poet Andaal and Tirupaavai....

Marghazi, Margashish and Krishna, Saint Poet Andaal and Tirupaavai....

Come December and we are set to welcome the month of Margashish or Margazhi of the Hindu calendar. It has to be among our favourite months because none other than Lord Krishna himself says that among months , I am Margashish....It was indeed his favourite month.
According to Hindu sacred texts this is also a month of devotion.
No wonder then that Saint Poetess Andaal, the only lady among the twelve Azhwaars, Sri Vaishnava saint poets of the south wrote the famous Tirpaavai to celebrate this month and her devotion to Krishna. She is certainly not known to many outside South India but her devotion to Krishna is akin to Radha or Meera as she was equally devout. Tamil sacred scriptures are abound with stories of this ardent devotee of Nandagopan Kumaran Krishna.
For Sri Vaishnavites from Tamilnadu, the month Margazhi is synonymous with the Tirupaavai, 30 verses sung for each day of the month by the saint poetess Andaal. These verses known as Paasurams show how immersed she is in her devotion to Krishna.
Compulsion has never been the forte of Hinduism. Therefore Andaal also does not force but exudes the young girls to wake up early during this auspicious month on all days, bathe in the holy river and seek blessings of the Lord Krishna, who maybe dark skinned but whose radiating face and perfect eyes would bless them. He as Narayana would grant us our wishes.
These thoughts are embedded in "Margazhi Thingal"  the first paasuram (song) of Thiruppavai written by Andal as part of a vow she observed throughout the month of Margazhi. Each of the 30 paasurams or songs thereafter are means to remember the Lord,  attain salvation and beget his divine grace.
The second Pasuram, "Vaiyattu Vazhvirgal', to the ones living in this world are more like do’s and don’ts to the girls for observing austerity. These include singing glories of the Lord, bathing at dawn, avoiding material joys, avoiding to  seek personal comforts and beautification whether by use of kaajal or flowers, and not speaking ill about others or gossip. She exudes us to respect our teachers, and donate generously to the learned and the needy so that we lead a purposeful life and attain salvation.
Though the Marghazhi month began 2 days ago there has been an overlap and yesterday was observed as the day of the third paasuram.
This paasuram,  " Ongi ulagalandha uttaman perpaadi" says that observing austerity will not only lead to personal growth and benefit but also lead to prosperity of the society due to adequate rain, plentiful crops, bringing with it overall wealth and welfare. It actually says that, “If we sing the praise of the lord who took a cosmic form and spanned the whole world in two steps and observe the austerities after taking bath in the river, the world will be devoid of all evil and experience timely rain showers and general prosperity. The excellent rains will lead to plentiful crops, beautiful flowers, humming bees, fish, milk which ultimately reflect nothing short of immense wealth which in turn leads to satisfaction.
The fourth pasuram, "Aazhi mazhai kannaa onnu ni kai karavel" addresses Lord Varuna the diety of rains who happens to join the devotees requesting him to shower rains appropriately. With clouds like the dark skinned Krishna, lightning like the Sudrashana Chakra and thunder like the conch he is requested to shower the purest of waters in abundance without differentiating anybody
Symbolically Andal and her friends would also enjoy the rains however their joy's are secondary to the wellbeing of the Universe. They live for others and their happiness lies in seeing others happy.
The coming days of the month will unfold 26 more verses. I hope that this year I am able to read and understand the philosophy behind the verses and hence this blog to facilitate my interest too and probably tell all of you about the glories of this great saint poetess Andaal . The 30th verse culminates with Andaal describing the benefit of reciting these verses and observing the rituals. Looking forward to reach that crescendo along with you all....


  1. As beautiful as the cadence of the Thiruppaavai..

  2. What a besbeauti description of the importance of margsheesh and krisKri,s. Devotee Andaal.mesmerisinghow live symbolised lied Krishna how devotees shower live in the name of lord


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