Thursday, 17 January 2019

आवेश ....

आवेश ....

एक क्षण
एक पल
आवेश का....
कई शब्द
कुछ नाराज़गी
एक बात से
लगी ठेंस
मन में क्लेश....
महज़ शब्द....
औऱ वो करना
जैसे बेमतलब
गीता का ज्ञान
किस काम का
इस युग में ??
स्मार्ट फ़ोन
में बंद....
मुझ जैसा
कोई बावला
आवेश में
आये आज...
करना हैँ कुछ
की ज़िद्द
फिर भी
सुलगती जाए
आगाज़ का ना पता
ना अंजाम से डर
ना हो भी
कोई साथ...
चल पड़ी
कर्म पथ पर
फिर भी मैं
मन में हैँ मेरे

मन विमल

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Kesari Jeevan....zest for life....

Kesari Jeevan....zest for life....

Thirty years ago a chyawanprash advertisement of Zandu's Kesari Jeevan, was known for it's statement, "Saatth saal ke boodhey ya saatth saal ke jawaan" meaning, "60 year old person or 60 year old youth". The visual showed a lift closing just when a girl and an aged person are about to enter it and he let's the girl enter the lift while he himself takes the flight of stairs. The crucial part is that he reaches the concerned floor in the building a little before the lift.
Honestly speaking age is all in the mind. We can keep ourselves fit, be as youthful as we want or drown ourselves in gloom with our age fast advancing.
I was pleasantly surprised by my father the other day when we visited the Golden Swan Club at Yeoor Hills in Thane along with my son and nephew.
My son and nephew started playing table tennis. I went to bring a chair for my father to sit when he said let's play table tennis.
My father is 90 plus and not as surefooted as he used to be, so I was taken aback at first. However the next moment I was excited and full of joy and we both started playing. True to his spirit, he played wholeheartedly with correct timing to hit the ball, do proper placing and even hit a shot. My son, nephew and me were really thrilled. More than the game, it was the sparkle in his eyes which was more attractive. I wondered how little it takes to be happy. The only thing which is required perhaps is being involved in the activity and enjoying what we are doing along with others. My father was neither concerned about his age or the fact that he was holding a table tennis bat after almost 30 years or more. Yet he was all smiles , waving at me, cheering. He has always been known for this zest for life.
This spirit was part and parcel of him as we went for a short walk down the lake and the garden in the club. He walked with his gay spirit, chatting with me, remembering by name Mr.Dev, an old neighbour, who had first brought us to the club. He also remembered my niece's fall from the cycle, my songs and Vishnu's boating.
After pizzas and tea, my nephew and son settled to play carrom board.
Once again , I was foolish to suggest to my father that we could sit and watch the other two but not him. He settled into the chair across the carrom board with such ease that I felt like a novice. He deftly took the striker , lo and behold, the coin went into the pocket. The three of us were elated with joy. Thereafter we played four games where he was in complete control and command guiding us how to hit a coin and ensure it reached the pocket,  gesturing with regret when any of us  missed a coin.  As for him, he pocketed the most difficult shots and gave his cute toothless smile.
I was overwhelmed by these two acts of my father, playing TT and carrom.
So many of us including me, refuse to play or exercise citing old age, shortage of time or tiredness. My father walks for about 50 minutes twice a day even now. He does his famous back walk, stretches and light exercises while listening to divine songs of Vishnu, Narayan, Hanuman, Saraswati etc. No wonder he reminded me of the iconic man in advertisement of Zandu Kedari Jeevan and fitted it to the T.
There is so much to learn from him, his unconditional love for each of his children and grand children. His relentless prayers for our welfare. His devotion to God and the various poojas offered by him in the temple. His simplicity and no-nonsense attitude to adhere to the norms. His timekeeping punctuality which none of us can match. His ever adjusting nature with regard to food or it's timing. His zeal for walking and exercising at this age. We are more than lucky to have been born in this family and be a recipient of the love and emotional support of our parents. They missed making that brick and mortar home which my mother always yearned for but he had certainly made a home for himself not only in the heart's of his children and grand children but also in the hearts of every person whose life he touched.
Love you Appa, and thank you for making me realise once again that life's little pleasures are wonderful treasures.....

Friday, 11 January 2019

Koodaarai Vellum....Saint poet Andal's Tirupaavai 27th Verse.....and its uniqueness....

Koodaarai Vellum....Saint poet Andal's Tirupaavai 27th Verse.....and its uniqueness....

It was four o' clock in the morning. I shifted sides in my slumber and was awakened by a sweet aroma floating around the house. My eyes popped wide open with wonder at this sweetness. I realised that it was the aroma of Akkaarai Vadisal prasadam made by none other than Ramesh, my thoughtful husband on the occasion of Koodaarai Vellum, the 27nd day of Marghazi.
Indeed , 22 days have passed since I wrote a small blog on Thiruppavai. It was the fifth day then. I had resolved that I would listen to the paasurams everyday and understand their glory.
And sure enough I have been listening to the pasurams written by Andal,  dedicated to Govinda or Narayana each day. The beauty of the verses, paasurams of Thiruppavai kept unfolding each day and filled me with joy.
Yesterday was Kudaarai vellum and extremely special. Till now Andaal was cajoling her friends to wake up early and immerse themselves in the bhakti of Narayana. She is in a totally different state of mind now, as her consistent bhakti has made her attain the blessings of the Lord. She feels one with him . The penance which she and her friends did during the 26 day period of consecration had borne fruit. Till now they had abstained from all luxury, avoiding sumptuos food, milk, not decorating their hair with flowers or applying Kaajal to their eyes. However now that they had attained oneness with Krishna they wished to adorn themselves beautifully. They ask bangles for the hands, ornaments for their shoulders, beautiful flowers for their hair, golden earrings and other ornaments including tinkling anklets for their feet. They want to wear flowing Silk garments along with the ornaments. Dressed up , they want to celebrate their Bhakti for the Lord by offering the prasadam cooked in milk, sugary sweet with jaggery and dripping with ghee down to the elbows.
These actions reflect the bountiful nature of Krishna who fills their life with blessings. They are elated to have achieved their goal of being one with the Lord. They ask him to shower them with his compassion.
Wasn't he the one who ultimately wins over the hearts of even those who turn away from him? The very name Govinda is a favourite of his devotees and its utterance gives sheer joy. Their praise for him was unconditional and so will be his benevolence.
 In some ways this is also similar to what her father, Periazvar has composed in the Thiru Pallandu :
"Neyyidai Sorum, niyathamum atthanai chevagamaum, kaiadaikkAyum, kazutthukku poon, kaadhukku kundalamm, meiyida nalladhor sandham thanthu ennai velluyuriakka valla"
It is the Lord who is the provider of abundance with rice and ghee, ornaments for the neck, earrings, and fragrant sandal paste to apply on the body along with the opportunity to do service to Him daily and yet purify us as white butter to ultimately recognise the Lord and be one with him.
The deity never expects his devotees to lead a puritan existence but to enjoy the blessings of the Lord and His gifts with joy.
Similarly Andal on receiving the blessings of the Lord adorns herself.
In the beginning of the month they had vowed to abstain from milk and ghee but now it was time to rejoice. A devotee ultimately aspires to constantly be with the Lord and enjoy bliss with him. This was what she achieved.
She also breaks her fast and offers 100 vessels of butter and Akkaarai Vadisal prasadam. In fact it was Saint Raamanujam.who had done this personally and she acknowledges him as her brother in one if her verses. Tadha Utsavam is celebrated in most Vaishnavite temples by offering 100 vessels to the Lord in a similar manner.
Religion and spirituality are states of mind which should make us descend above our base feelings. Literature, ancient or modern  is replete with examples of saints, seers and thinkers who have written about the greatness of the Lord and experienced his benevolence. It is for us to understand the true spirit and follow it in best way we can. The beauty of Hinduism is that it offers us various paths to be human. Knowledge, that is Nyaana, Bhakti that is devotion, Karma that is duty and work or Vairagya that is total surrender. We can chose our path. This is beautifully highlighted in the 27th Paasuram, Kuddarai Vellum....
The sweetness of the prasadam made by my husband and the realisation of these thoughts made me smile. With the blessings of Narayama and Govinda in our lives what more do we want?

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Of goats, goat farm and more with SHG women....

Of goats, goat farm and more with SHG women....

I love my field visits and interaction with the women of our Self-help groups. The women  overwhelm me by their enthusiasm and I always return back satiated with the joy they reverberate. It also goads me strive harder and to plan much more for their economic development.
MSRLM Umed works for the empowerment of women through self help groups. Social and financial inclusion form the foundation for their economic development.
The true spirit of this development was reflected when I visited two villages today.
My first interaction was with the 35 women from  Ekta bakri paalak sangh in village Digdoha of Deoli taluka in Wardha district. They came together, contributed a share of Rs.1000 each, took a loan of Rs 2 lakhs from the Community Investment Fund, CIF , managed to get the support of Rs. 1 lakh through the VSTF programme and had a kitty of Rs. 3.35 lakhs in hand. With this they made a goat-shed in Rs.1.56 lakh. Since they did the labour work by themselves they saved up a lot on the cost of construction. They used that money for purchasing goats and invested Rs.1.08 lakh in the same. Additionally they invested Rs.2500 for creating grazing field for their goats. It was not possible for them to be present with the goats while they were grazing so they hired a caretaker to take care of the goats for Rs.30000. They ensured good health for their goats by vaccinating them and also feeding them with pashu chat to make them healthy by investing Rs.1835. The outcomes were increase in the number of goats from 18 to 29 in six months.
Sunita Sudhakar Rathod, the Pashu Sakhi beams with joy as she shares that their goats escaped damage in the recent epidemic due to the efforts made by then in maintaining the good health of the goats. Anita Jabde the Community Resource Person is equally joyful. They now plan to go ahead with an enterprise in poultry also. They hope to make more than Rs.One lakh from the investment they made in the 29 goats and all this in a span of less than 11 months.
Their enthusiasm is awe inspiring even to the group of 45 women from the Self-help groups of MAVIM, another organisation for the welfare of women in Maharashtra who had come for an exposure visit to the goat farm. As we ate the delicious lunch prepared by the women and posed for snaps I could only smile.
My second visit to Bhidi Heti village in Deoli taluka of Wardha district left me dumb struck. Their potential was recognised by none other than Mr. Shailesh Navaal, the dynamic Collector of Wardha, who aptly sanctioned an amount if Rs. 18 lakhs to the Ma Jijau Cluster Level Federation and the New Adarsh Village Organization.
It is amazing to see the enthusiasm of Community Resource Person, CRP Sangeeta Madaavi as she narrates the growth of their six enterprises in the cluster.
To begin with they started using an unused shed for their goatery but once they received the grant from the Collector they constructed a goat shed. What is remarkable is that they made the shed in Rs 3 lakhs saving almost 50 percent of the estimated budget by doubling up as labour. They purchased 11 goats from the saved amount and additionally purchased 20 more goats. The have 2 goat kids now totalling to 34 goats. They hope to make good profit from sale of these goats and all this in just 6 months. .
The second enterprise is a poultry shed with 100 birds. Here too they saved on the estimated budget of Rs 2.31 laks and constructed the shed in just Rs.1.39 lakhs only due to their own efforts when they worked as labour.They hope to make good profits from the poultry business too.
The CRP says with pride that those women who had never stepped out of their houses now know the cost of bricks also. No wonder they have also built a store house for fodder, a urine tank for the cattle, a shed for dairy activities. They would doing business in milk and ghee by purchasing the required instruments. Above the dairy unit they also plan to construct a community hall for the use of the community.
They are full of praise for the Block Mission Manager, Ms.Lata Darne and the team which always supports them. The convergence through VSTF has also added value.
A couple, a woman from.the SHG and her husband also showed 2 excellently packaged bio pesticides, Brahmaastra and
Nimaark . They made a profit of Rs. 45000 by selling 18000 litres of the bio pesticide.
I was then taken to a nutri garden where the CRP and the women explained the importance of eating a balanced diet comprising of green and leafy vegetables and other fruits. They gushed that their haemoglobin content has improved due to the same. The Young Professional and the Convergence Sakhi ranted out the number of nutri gardens made and the funds disbursed. 
Once upon a time they and their village was totally neglected but now they had become an ideal village which everyone clamoured to visit. The district and the block team had really toiled hard for this and deserved kudos.
By now it was evening and the goats had returned to the sheds,. The SHG women wanted me to pose for pictures with them and the goats. I happily did so and left with a smile, almost bleating with joy like a goat. Me...aah....Swati Wankhede, the District Mission Manager and me were truly bleating with joy....mee....aah......

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope...

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope... God created us in pairs : man and woman; not as competitors, but as equals designed to com...