Friday, 12 April 2019

Hirkanis of Raigad at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar....

Hirkanis of Raigad at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar....

Raigad, the impregnable fort where the great Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was crowned is known to all of us. However not many would know the legend of a valourous mother by the name, Hirkani, who sold milk at the Raigad fort. One evening, while she was engrossed in selling milk, the gates of the fort were closed and she was unable to leave it. However her maternal yearning to go back to her wailing child , gave her the strength to climb down the steep hills to be with her child. This was beyond belief even for the Chatrapati till she performed the feat again. In reverence the benevolent Shivaji Maharaj named the ledge as the Hirkani Burj.
Hirkani literally means a small little diamond. MSRLM works for the empowerment of women through SHGs, capacitating them, honing their skills and providing them support so that gleam like diamonds.
Organising forward linkages is one of the activities which is done by providing a platform for SHGs to sell their products.
Saras melas are held in districts, divisions and state. Yet there was a constant demand for a permanent market  which has been made available by way of the shops at the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart in Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar. Every ten days, one district comes to exhibit the products of their SHGs at the stalls in GVB.
This time , it is Raigad, a district reverberating historically with the inspiration of the great Shivaji. An enigmatic and fascinating district with its forts, beaches and the famous bungalows of Mumbaikars.
The SHGs of MSRLM are rugged just like hills and soaring just like the waves of the  beaches of Raigad. Though the district was under the Non-intensive strategy of implemtation , and therefore did not have a full team till last year, it is now an intensive district with full support of the MoRD.

Presently SHGs from Raigad district have come with their products to the Mahalaxmi Saras Mart at GVB, Kharghar. These include agarbattis- incense sticks, earthen cookware, cashews, masalas, different kinds of papads and kurdaaiya, the famous poha papad, organic rice and pulses, naachni biscuits, fish pickle, dry fish, home made laddoos, artificial flowers, bamboo products, footwear.
All these products will be available till 20th April at the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at GVB, Kharghar.

This weekend, the  13th and 14th April, an added attraction will be the Warli painting classes by the original artisans from Palghar, henna - mehndi art and pottery making.
The mehndi is free of cost,  paper and colours are to brought to learn Warli painting and pottery making is at a nominal cost.

So for those living at Kharghar, Panvel and Navi Mumbai, please come to the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar, immerse yourself in the simple joy's of life like painting, purchase products made by the SHGs of Raigad, bring joy to their lives. As for yourself, escape the ordinary, do something different, your eyes will also shine just like our Hirkanis.


  1. रायगडाचे दरवाजे बंद झाले की, खालून वर येईल ती फक्त हवा आणि वरून खाली जाईल ते फक्त पाणी. पण ह्या गोष्टीला अपवाद ठरणारी एक स्त्री म्हणजेच - 'हिरकणी'. अशा हिरकणी चे लेखाला समर्पक शिर्षक देऊन खऱ्या अर्थाने रायगड जिल्हा च्या स्वयं सहाय्यता समुहातील मर्दानी ची ओळख झाली. धन्यवाद.

    1. You always make my writing worthwhile...

  2. Like every other post this too is an eye opener on many fronts, such as the name Hirkani and the courage of the mother in dropping from the fort with her child shows that anything is possible with determined mind.
    The products brought by the women are of great taste as it is from a mother who put every affection to it.
    I have experienced this a variety of platforms and a visit to the saras will not go in vein

    Look forward to have some Achar and papad.

    1. Thank you. Hioe you purchased the achaar abd paapad....

  3. Great work.Keep it up.👍👍

  4. Super great write up how in everysphere in past women played poserful roles.submerging role of women vurrent times

  5. MiMode times surpassing all times for role of women


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