Thursday, 1 August 2019

33 crores tree plantation in Maharashtra....Devotion to a tree....

33 crores tree plantation in  Maharashtra....Devotion to a tree....

The government of Maharashtra has launched the ambitious programme of planting 33 crores trees between the months of July and September 2019. Hindu mythology speaks about 33 crores Gods and Goddesses. It would be appropriate to treat each tree which has been planted like a God. More so, to ensure that each tree planted is taken care of with the fervour of a devotee.

Planting a tree has always been a great work for mankind from times immemorial. I remember our lessons of History in school which glorified our kings and made special mention of those like Emperor Ashoka who planted trees along the road to ensure protection from the heat and fruits for the needy.
I discovered the importance and relevance of this act of tree planting once again yesterday while supporting my son to memorise the poem, "The Heart of the Tree" by the US poet- Henry Cuyler Bunner.
Written almost 100 years ago, the poem appeared so relevant even today as it spells out all our present day concerns and also beautifully explains the usefulness of planting a tree.
A person planting a tree is glorified by the poet saying that the one who plants a tree helps life on earth.
The opening lines set the tone by asking ,
“What does he plant who plants a tree?” The poet replies to his own query stating that by planting a tree, the man plants a friend of the sun and sky. He goes further and brings out the feeling of patriotism by comparing the leafy branches of the tree to a flag and the stem to the beautiful shaft (pole) on which the flag stands tall.
The trees become home to sweet singing birds and their melody while their presence helps in maintaining the eco-system.
He emphasises that the work of planting a tree is heavenly and glorious.
In this era of global warming it is important we plants trees as they provide us with cool shade and help in bringing rain.
Also the years may pass by silently but the tree will continue to remain through its seeds and keep producing new trees.
Trees can transform barren and plain lands into something green and beautiful. So the poet describes the trees as ‘the glory of the plain’. He also believes in the power of a single tree transforming into a forest . So by planting a tree now, the man plants a heritage of the forest.
We need to preserve the greenery on this earth for the future generations so that they would be delighted seeing so much vegetation and reap its benefits.
By planting a tree the man also shows his love and loyalty for this earth , his sense of civic duty and his blessings.
Directly or indirectly, he contributes to the growth of the nation which is what strikes us in the last line as it talks about the man’s heart, his feelings, dreams and wishes behind planting the tree.
For the poet planting of a tree is highest form of patriotism since planting a single tree also contributes to the growth of the nation.
Only a month has passed since the tree plantation drive begun by the state. If each one of us resolves to plant and nurture a tree the ambitious target of planting 33 crores can easily be achieved.
The lines of this poem can surely be our  source of inspiration.

"The Heart of a tree"
- Henry Bunner

What does he plant who plants a tree?
   He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
   The shaft of beauty, towering high;
   He plants a home to heaven anigh;
      For song and mother-croon of bird
      In hushed and happy twilight heard—
The treble of heaven's harmony—
These things he plants who plants a tree.

What does he plant who plants a tree?
   He plants cool shade and tender rain,
And seed and bud of days to be,
   And years that fade and flush again;
      He plants the glory of the plain;
      He plants the forest's heritage;
      The harvest of a coming age;
The joy that unborn eyes shall see—
These things he plants who plants a tree.

What does he plant who plants a tree?
   He plants, in sap and leaf and wood,
In love of home and loyalty
   And far-cast thought of civic good—
   His blessings on the neighborhood,
      Who in the hollow of His hand
      Holds all the growth of all our land—
A nation's growth from sea to sea
Stirs in his heart who plants a tree.


  1. Wow what a fantastic motivational blog. It will buzz every to the gre drive.

  2. Can't write more than just natmaskat to Madam.

  3. Very well written ...Poem is amazing

    1. Yes, i too discovered it while teaching son....and it is so releavnt after 100 years....

  4. by planting a tree now, the man plants a heritage of the forest.
    Yes That is true

  5. What a beautiful description dedicatiin ti plant....tree.,God.... patriotism at all height... touched by the beautiful message to all to humanity in general to plant trees save nature country,s head held you

  6. What a lovely poem and what a lovely description. Heart touching!! shows the tranquility of your heart too....While reading your thoughts about the poem, I was tempted to google the poem and read it first :) and gladly you had given the poem too <3

    How beautiful.... He plants the glory of the plain; the forest's heritage; The harvest of a coming age; The joy that unborn eyes shall see... ..#salute

  7. Very inspiring blog. The poem is amazing.

  8. Read complete today... Ma'am these are superb wordings..very inspiring.. you write so well

  9. Ma'm hope you will soon compile these blogs and bring out a book. Great inspiration, each one.


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