Wednesday, 21 August 2019

More joys with Additional Mahalakshmi Saras.....

More joys with Additional Mahalakshmi Saras.....

My son and me are great friends. It is normal for us to discuss our day with each other. And when it is something about which I am passionate, he is equally interested. He has been seeing my involvement in MSRLM Umed grow with every Mahalakshmi Saras. 
Most Mumbaikars and Navi Mumbaikars would know that Mahalakshmi Saras is the annual event of SHGs organised at Bandra, BKC by MSRLM Umed through the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India and Government of Maharashtra in the month of January. Last fortnight when I told him that we are organising an additional Mahalakshmi Saras , his first reaction was, " Additional "? What ? Why?
The MoRD under NRLM permits every state to organise Saras exhibitions annually. Since last year , a few states like Maharashtra have been permitted to have two exhibitions. Last year the second exhibition was held at Nagpur. This year we planned to have it at Navi Mumbai for more reasons than one.
Many of our patrons at the Annual Mahalakshmi Saras are from Navi Mumbai. There has been a constant demand from them to have something like this at Navi Mumbai. MSRLM Umed has started a permanent Saras Bazaar at the Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar. Every ten days, thirty SHGs from a district in Maharashtra come there for exhibition and sale of their products and there is a great demand for their products.
Navi Mumbai, is a happening place with a cosmopolitan , vibrant culture. It is a growing, youthful city with a number of educational institutions. It therfore has all the potent qualities with eager connoisseurs and consumers. We therefore could not think of a better place for the Mahalakshmi Saras.
However , it was necessary to distinguish it from the regular annual fair. It was therfore important to add the word , "Additional" to it.
So the "Additional Mahalakshmi Saras"  has been inaugurated today by the Hon'ble Minister for Rural Development, Ms.Pankaja Munde in the presence of Ms. Mandatai Mhatre the Hon'ble MLA of Belapur, Navi Mumbai and Mr.Ramesh Patil, Hon'ble MLC. The exhibition has 100 stalls from.34 districts of Maharashtra and 10 Indian States like Gujarat, Bihar, Rajasthan, Kerala, Orissa, Telangana, UP , West Bengal with various products including food grains, spices, masalas, pickles, papads, cashew nuts, textiles of different variety, bags, slippers, handicrafts, handmade artefacts, jewellery, health products, ready to eat food, mosquito nets, cloth cribs even brooms.
The biggest attraction of Mahalakshmi Saras are the food stalls. Foodies and food lovers always make a bee line for the real, authentic, rural delicacies like Bhaakri, Thaali peeth, Puran Polis, Bhareet, Masala Baingan, Misal, Kolhapuri Chicken, Pandhraa-taambdaa rassaa and a host of other delicacies which you may possibly not get anywhere in Navi Mumbai and if some restaurant possibly serves such food, it will be minus the love and affection from the rural ladies.
At the Additional Mahalakshmi Saras we have 20 food stalls to cater to your palate. Family outings, kitty parties birthday events and celebrations can be different for the next 10 days if you plan to eat at these stalls and buy gift articles made by SHGs. What better way of encouraging rural artisans and supporting them?
And some of them have graduated to making pedigree products thanks to our interventions and trainings through FICCI, UNDP and Tisser.
You will be surprised at the variety and skills of our artisans and the good quality products.
You will also be able to purchase good quality Asmita Plus sanitary napkins at just Rs.24 for a pack 8 napkins.
Our Asmita Bazaar partners, the Himalaya group have products like Himalaya baby powder, soap, shampoo, massage oil, wipes, diapers etc for sale at great discounts.
Along with the products of our SHGs, 'additionally ' you will take home joys, blessings and much more from here.
So wouldn't you want to give joys and add on to your joys? Agri Koli Bhavan, Sector 24, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, awaits you and so does this Additional Mahalakshmi Saras....


  1. Salute to your hardwork and forsuch a great involvement mam.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Madam Great artical about Saras

  4. This additional saras will add one more feather to your cap. All because of your cent percent dedication, involvement and hardwork.

    1. Thank you it when you encourage me....

  5. Dear Vimala madam, your special perspective will take the entire SHG movement in Maharashtra to the new horizon....

    1. You are so generous with your compliments....looking forward to work with you....

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. एमएसआरएलएम के मिशन रुपी समुद्र का मंथन करने के बाद ही सरस रुपी अमृत निकला है। परंतु, यह सरस रुपी अमृत निकलते समय बहुत से कठिनाइयों के विष को अलग कर के सद्भावना के अमृत को प्राप्त करना होता है। इस मंथन की प्रक्रिया से जो 'लक्ष्मी' उमेद के समुद्र मंथन से हाथों में ज्ञान कलष लेकर सांस्कृतिक भवन मेरु पर्वत से जो प्रकट हुई है वो 'महालक्ष्मी सरस' हैं।

    1. Mahalakshmi has Maha and Lakshmi in it....Goddess Lakshmi's bountiful benevolence will always be there for those who are sincere and work hard for it....

  8. Excellent Added Initiative, Mam.
    It will definitely take Maharashtra SHGs to greater heights.

  9. Wow.. so now we have Additional Mahalakshmi Saras!! Big thumbs up for the energy you are investing in supporting these SHGs. It’s a great idea that people should celebrated their birthdays and buy gifts from these stalls.. A handmade ethnic gift with a touch of love from rural India.

    1. Thank you so much for always encouraging me....


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