Thursday, 26 September 2019

Kalanjiam, DHAN Foundation, MSRLM and women's empowerment

Kalanjiam, DHAN Foundation, MSRLM and women's empowerment

Most of us may not have heard of Padmashri P. Chinnapillai from Tamil Nadu. Decades ago she shot to fame as the woman whose feet the then Honble Prime Minister, Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee had touched while recognizing her contribution to the cause of women empowerment. She had shown exemplary courage by supporting creation of groups of women, inculcating habits of saving. She weathered several storms for the cause of women in a male- dominated society and has stood tall in the promotion of this cause. I was fortunate to be sharing the stage with a lady of her stature at the biennial annual event of DHAN Foundation.
One look at her endearing smile and her matter-of-fact presence made me understand the value which community institutions had brought into the lives of women. Listening to her talk about her journey was a revelation. She personified the hopes and dreams of thousands and lakhs of ordinary women from rural households in our country who were doing their bit for women empowerment.
Dhan Foundation's journey centers around successful mentoring of almost 50,000 households out of poverty. The symposium at Madurai was a celebration of such success stories and also for furthering the cause of women's empowerment through sustainable development.

Two years ago, when Ms. Thanksy Thekekara, a renowned IAS officer in Maharashtra, my mentor and a pioneer of Women's empowerment introduced me to DHAN Foundation, I knew little about them. However, I slowly discovered that DHAN Foundation has been working for the cause of women's empowerment since 1990s and had expanded their work in almost 14 states. In Maharashtra too they have a presence in about 11 districts of Marathwada and Vidarbha.
It was also very interesting to know that DHAN had initiated Community banking through the savings-led microfinance model. It not only brought in equity for women but also made them aware of their entitlements giving them a sense of ownership. They understood the value of savings and also the fact that their consumption needs could be managed by getting loans from their own organization.
This simplified their self development. These 50000 SHGs now have savings of over Rs.499 crores giving them the strength to mobilize institutional loans. This in turn has enhanced their livelihood opportunities and helped them create productive assets thereby enhancing credit absorption at  the household level.
The creation of this independent financial institution which has supported over 50000 households has brought financial discipline among their SHGs. Insurance and social security has also increased due to the continuous efforts of all stakeholders.
The inaugural function had representatives NABARD and other public sector banks and also the LIC. Syndicate Bank , Regional Manager, Mr.Savadamuthu signed an MOU for bank linkage worthh Rs.300 crores.
That DHAN's work was extending to the core development sectors was evident from the fact that the Commissioner , Madurai Municipal Corporation, Mr.Visakan, IAS was handing over 10 water ponds to them for repair and maintenance. That the Additional Collector and Project Director, DRDA, Mr.Amrith, IAS found value in discussing Swachh Bharat on this platform by itself spoke a lot about DHAN's outreach as well as women's role in development. Ms. Annette Houtekamer, from Netherlands reflected on DHAN's International presence.
Dhan had extended its forte to skilling and creating a team of professional managers to work for their cause. Their academy is imparting skills to youth for the promotion and propagation of the social cause which had given them strength.
Off late most of us are rediscovering the value of small millets and its positive role in our health and nutrition. The Small Millets Foundation is an interesting extension of Dhan which focuses on production of small millets and promoting its consumption among masses. To facilitate the cause the SMF has designed an energy efficient Small Millet Portable Impact Huller useful for sifting small Millets.
DHAN has therefore been working for the cause of all round empowerment of women for over two decades.
There are several organizations in India working for this cause.
During the last five years the National Rural Livelihoods Mission has emerged as an umbrella organization working for the empowerment of women in rural areas. Beginning with Social inclusion and moving on to financial inclusion and sustainable livelihoods the state missions under NRLM have grown from strength to strength.
In Maharashtra, MSRLM Umed works for the empowerment of women through self help groups and community based organizations. It has more than 4 lakh SHGs, 43 lakh households, 12000 plus Village organizations and over 500 cluster level federations.
The issue of continuous loyalties of members of self-help groups to their organisation or the methodologies adapted by different organizations are often a matter of concern.
The NRLM philosophy is the outcome of intense studies undertaken by various stakeholders and propogates the growth of the community through community based institutions created by the poor. It envisages the creation of an architecture which will sustain society through sustainable livelihoods.

This fact needs to be acknowledged by every organization which works for such similar cause. They need to explore the possibility of associating with the National Program and derive benefits from it for their women.
After all, the welfare of the woman and her household is the most limportant and she must not be deprived of any possible benefits by not being associated with the national program.
Recently MSRLM entered into an MoU with Lupin Foundation whereby the SHGs created by the Lupin Foundation have been aligned with MSRLM..
MSRLM has been propagating this model of Convergence to all organizations including DHAN whereby they can harness benefits for all.  It is like the rivers existing on their own as well as finding their way to the ocean. After all water seeks it's own level and so must social capital.....


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