Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Saksham Mahila Melawa, with the Hon'ble Prime Minister: A milestone in MSRLM......

Saksham Mahila Melawa, with the Hon'ble Prime Minister: A milestone in MSRLM......

Saras Navi Mumbai was coming to an end and we were busy with the wrap up when we received intimation about the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi consenting to be the Chief Guest at the Saksham Mahila Melawa, (The Empowered Women's Conclave )at Aurangabad on 7th September 2019.
The immediate feeling was of elation and excitement. Rural livelihoods and empowerment of women has always been a priority for the Hon'ble Prime Minister. He has always emphasized on women-led development instead of women's development.
He also believes that financial independence is necessary for the development of women. The government therefore ensured that a number of schemes were implemented to support financial growth of women through Self help groups. The Prime Minister has always appreciated that women self help groups are laying the foundation of financial prosperity in rural areas and have the potential to transform the society. No wonder he has stated that, women are enterprising, they don't need to be taught, only need to be given opportunities to perform. They have huge potential in them, and need to realise their capabilities.
MSRLM has witnessed a significant growth in the SHG movement with an increase in the number of SHGs and households. What is more important is the growth in livelihoods which went up from about thirty five thousand in 2016 to more than twelve lakhs in 2019.
This growth has essentially been in sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry; which, again according to the Hon'ble Prime Minister,
are vital for rural economy.
The increase in livelihoods has naturally resulted in increase in family incomes, improvement in lifestyle and education.
This was possible due to the continuous training, capacity building and creation of a dedicated cadre of Community Resource Persons, CRPs popularly known as Sakhis. This dedicated cadre of more than forty thousand women comprising of various sakhis like the Wardhinis, ICRP, Prerikas, Krishi Sakhi, Pashu Sakhi, Matsya Sakhi, Aarogya Sakhi, Poshan Sakhi, Convergence Sakhi , Bank Sakhi, Financial Literacy Sakhi etc are the driving force of MSRLM.
It had been our desire to show case the strength of this cadre and also the capabilities of our groups at the topmost level.
That we had almost five lakh women farmers, about two lakh poultry breeders, two and half lakh goat rearers, twenty thousand fish breeders, one lakh thirty thousand vegetable cultivators, and over ninety thousand floriculturists aggregating to over twelve lakh livelihoods is a matter of pride for us. We have disbursed bank loans of over Rs.5300 crores and women have made capital gains of over Rs. Seven hundred crores.
We had got the greatest opportunity of showcasing these achievements to none other than the Hon'ble Prime Minister of the country and we were gratified.
Of course, the time for preparation for an event of this magnitude was really short but we got into it with right earnest. Once the location was identified by the local authorities , construction of the Pandal and exhibition area was begun.
Arrangements for parking, public conveniences, drinking water were priorities. Appropriate entry and exit for one lakh women , Ministers, VIPs, public figures and also safety and security of all was important. Emergencies and medical aid were also to be planned.
The most important amongst these were safe travel and return of the women who would be congregating from all over Maharashtra. Arrangements for safe travel by buses and comfortable stay during travel along with responsible officials in charge were planned meticulously. Dedicated staff was allocated to take note of the travel plans along with the bus numbers and route plans.
Publicity including print and electronic media and its design and printing needed application of mind. Signage at different locations giving directions and informing about seating arrangements was critical.
Security arrangements had to befit the stature of the Honble Prime Minister.
Special security passes had to be procured for entry into different areas.
The minute to minute programme had to be finalized in consent with the PMO.
Apart from the visit to our exhibition, the main
event consisted of release of two audio- visual films on the journey of MSRLM and Milk producer cooperatives. A coffee table book on the Transformation of Rural Maharashtra was also to be released.
Ensuring all Audio-visual equipment had been set up and was working properly was very important.
All this had to be done at great speed without compromising on the quality.
The task may have been herculean but sheer grit and determination led us to complete them all and be in readiness within the specified time period of one week for the arrival of the Hon'ble Prime Minister.
On arrival at the exhibition, he was welcomed by two Banjara ladies dressed in traditional attire. He graciously accepted their sisterly affection of tying a rakhi.
The exhibition pavilion began with the One Acre Model emphasizing on zero budget farming. He paid rapt attention to Krishi Sakhi, Smt.Savita Jivanrao Yelane of Wardha who explained the philosophy behind this model. Her prompt reply that she earned about Rs.1 lakh from this model brought a look of satisfaction to his face. Smt.Savita also explained the wheel for Sustainable Agriculture and showed the various organic fertilizers on display.
The Pashu Sakhi, Smt.Varsha Manohar Chahande , explained the concept of Community Livestock Business Centre, goatary products, inland fishery and hatchery. The Hon'ble Prime Minister has always been passionate about health and nutrition. Ms.Pankaja Munde , Minister for Rural Development, spoke about the successful nutri garden model which has expanded from 9 blocks to 254 blocks improving the overall health and haemoglobin levels of women.
Principal Secretary, Shri. Aseem Gupta put forth the aggregation model of Yellow Revolution, which had developed a market for Desi eggs. The Honble Prime Minister made constructive suggestions to explore and develop honey and jute value chain.
The trading model of Asmita Plus sanitary napkins and the concept of Asmita Bazaar were also explained. Women would not only get good quality products but would also make good profits from this trading model.
The Non farm activity products included beautiful artifacts featuring Banjara embroidery, Warli paintings and products, copper bottles, spices, cashews and quilts made from sheep wool.
His observations were pertinent and at times laced with humor making it a lifetime experience for each one of us.
His subsequent address emphasizing on the various schemes made for women like the Ujwala, Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana, Jandhan Yojana, Mudra loans etc reflected that the welfare of women was close to his heart.
His enthusiasm was palpable at all times despite the fact that he had arrived just a day back from Russia, and had been up all night at Bengaluru at ISRO. He had begun his day by giving moral support to the ISRO chief and he was ending it by spending time with successful women entrepreneurs of MSRLM who he believes are the real nation builders.
To the one lakh women who attended this conclave , it was not merely an opportunity of looking at the Prime Minister or listening to him. It was display of their strengths, their unity, their capacities and capabilities which must have been surely noted by the Hon'ble Prime Minister. Their intent to make their mark as agriculturists in the economy of India can be seen on the wall. Their path ahead is certainly clear.


  1. Superb... Live event covered completely

  2. Great write up Ma'am, it seemed as if I were there for the event. Nothing escapes your attention to details.

  3. अभिनंदन मॅडम,इतका मोठा कार्यक्रम यशस्वीरीत्या पार पाडल्याबद्दल !!
    आपल्यातल्या लेखकाला वस्तुस्थितीदर्शक घटना टिपण्याची संधी उमेदच्या निमित्ताने मिळते आहे आणि त्याचे आपण सोनं करीत आहात. खूपच जिवन्त अनुभव दिलात.

  4. A truly commendable work done by the team MSRLM.

  5. Congratulations!
    I have been witness to the hard work that you and your team have put into making this event a grand success

  6. Congratulations maam to you and your team.

  7. आप वो भागीरथी है जो गंगा (भारत के प्रधानमंत्री) को हमारी मरुस्थल धरती (मराठवाडा) तक ले आएं...

    1. He came on the request of our Honble Minister, Ms. Pankaja Munde ....It was a great opportunity ....am glad we could present the work done by us....

  8. Really great work you are doing hats off to you and congratulations once again

  9. Really great work you are doing hats off to you and congratulations once again

  10. This is really a great achievement that Hon’ble Prime Minister attended MSRLM’s event. And certainly this is empowering for SHG’s women too to attend the event and be part of this great initiative.


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