Thursday, 15 October 2020

From illness to wellness with mental health...

From illness to wellness with mental health....

It's almost a week since we 'celebrated ' International Mental Health Day on the 10th October. Health is defined as state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent. So verily mental health is a part of our physical health.
We all are very matter of fact when it comes to taking care of our physical health. However we grossly neglect our mental health. In fact most of us carry a couldn't care attitude.
The mental state of almost ten percent of Indians is affected today and almost one crore would be mentally ill yet we shy talking about it. Strangely there is a stigma associated with being mentally ill. We wear our heart diseases or diabetes on our sleeves and hardly hesitate to talk about them. In contrast, our culture has created such an environment that depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other mental disorders are linked to shame. One can imagine the kind of disgrace attached to the illness and it's patients as psychotherapists or psychologists are referred to as shrinks.
Those who are mentally ill are often scorned as attention seekers or misfits. They are mocked as individuals who are incapable or ungrateful. On the other hand those who is mentally ill or affected stuggle with low self-esteem and feel lonely and lost. They often feel misunderstood and suicidal. Such individuals also have a tendency to succumb to substance abuse including alcohol and drugs not realizing that it causes them more harm.
Of course the government has been making a lot of efforts to support mental health by making it more and more accessible. Many celebrities are acknowledging their depressions and mental state openly. Despite that for normal individuals like us it is still very difficult to express and manage mental illness. Also there is no single way of knowing whether a person is mentally ill.
Small conversations could go a long way in offering support, it is therefore important to keep communicating. One must also not hesitate to express one's thoughts and emotions. At the same time one must develop a positive attitude to bounce back successfully from challenges. Life cannot be full of happiness and we have to learn to be resilient in difficulties. The sun shines like a fierce red ball when it rises or sets. Similarly, we also need to maintain an equilibrium so that facing prosperity or adversity becomes easy .
Anxiety, stress and trauma are a part of everyone's life. Wasn't Arjun devastated on seeing his familiy, cousins and his guru as opponents in the Mahabharat war? He experienced the same weakness in his limbs and his mind was confused with negative thoughts. A sense of guilt prevailed in his mind even as he started toying with the idea of death instead of going to war.
It was then that Lord Krishna explained the life and birth cycle to him along with the concept of the soul-atma which lives forever and body which keeps changing like our clothes. Performing our duty with commitment is the path to salvation along with trust and belief in God and the self. One may not be religious but that must not prevent him from having faith and belief in himself because that would give him the strength to manage his mental health.
The mind like a child is attracted to many things but it has to be controlled and chanellised with constant practice. It can become our enemy if we do not learn to control it.
Mental Health is therefore a state of mind which can be managed by ourselves.
Modern day therapy talks of seeking help, doing physical exercises like walking dancing or yoga, listening to music, gardening etc. In short doing something which diverts our mind. Support from colleagues, friends, family is suggested as also seeking professional help wherever required.
Our family is the best support system as it offers unconditional love apart from taking care of our physical, emotional and financial needs. The family bonding and communication can be our best anchor. Often there is disconnect between individuals and family due to miscommunication or no communication. Sometimes issues come up when responsibilities are not shared. It is important that each member of the family contributes to the household tasks . Children specially need to be organized in studying, submitting assignments and supporting household activities voluntarily.
At best one can avoid hurting anyone intentionally or speaking in a manner to make others quarrel, stop finding faults with others, stop desiring for anything that belongs to others, be polite, wish others well. Media and television highligjt crime, violence and negative acts including those of sex perversion. It is important to channelise the minds to the positive aspects in society and influence people to see and do good. One has to consciously keep away from actions which degrade you.
Life can become more meaningful when we find our source of joy not only in ourselves but also in others. Being sensitive to the sufferings of other makes us human. Therefore let us share each others grief and sorrow. Let us be a bit more sensitive to those who are struggling to cope with the difficulties in life. Let us be less judgemental and more receptive. Let us value our blessings and let us be steadfast on our goals and never give up. For it is only when the 'I' becomes 'We' , then ' illness' becomes 'wellness'.


1 comment:

  1. That's so wonderful written.. really aspire every one who read this


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