Friday, 24 May 2024

Open your mind, fly and rise high...

Open your mind and fly...

Sometimes you feel left out and lonely,
Drifting listless on silent shores,
Stuck or hitting your head at a closed window,
Yearning for something more.

But open your mind, lift your heart,
Free your thoughts, let yourself fly,
Take that leap into the unknown,
Spread your wings and touch the sky.

In the free fall, you'll find your path,
In the silence, you'll hear the call,
All the answers lie within you,
Just trust yourself and break the wall...
Rise and fly high...

Mann Vimal 

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Celebrating Honey Bees on 20th May, World Bee Day

Celebrating Honey Bees on 20th May , World Bee Day

It's about ten months since I joined the Maharashtra State Khadi and Village Industries Board as it's Chief Executive Officer. Each new posting not only gives us an opportunity to work on a variety of issues but also puts forth the possibility of working on fresh objectives and planning for the same. 
The Maharashtra State Khadi and Village Industries Board plays a pivotal role in promoting Khadi and Village Industries and fosters economic development of rural Maharashtra.  However most people would not know that it has Directorate of Bee-keeping in Mahabaleshwar dedicated to creation,  sustenance and promotion of bee-keeping. 
Fewer would know or recognize that bee-keeping is not merely a means of livelihood but of great importance in supporting sustainable agriculture,  enhancement of biodiversity and prevention of climate change. So the Directorate of Beekeeping  trains and educates people for scientific bee-keeping , provides them with bee boxes at subsidized rates and also buys back the honey they produce to prevent their dilemma of searching markets. The raw honey which is purchased goes through stringent quality tests to maintain its standards and is certified with AGMARK by the  Directorate of Marketing & Inspection (DMI), Department of Agriculture. It's organic honey is certified by Uttarakhand State Organic Certification Agency , USOCA, the First National Government Agency of India accredited by NAB (National Accreditation Body, Ministry Of Commerce, Govt of India) as per National programme for organic production (NPOP). 
Marketed under the brand  name of Madhuban, MSKVIB's honey stands out due to its high quality, purity and distinctive taste. 
Within a few days of my joining I discovered the exquisite qualities of Madhuban Honey. I found that it was sourced from authentic bee-keepers trained by the board and therefore reliable. It had no chemicals and is devoid of additives or artificial flavours. Packed with nutrients it has several health benefits and comes in a wide variety of flavours like sunflower,  ajwain, eucalyptus,  jamun, multifloral catering to the needs and preferences of customers. 
Of course MSKVIB's role is not limited to marketing of Madhuban honey. In fact the brand is a fall-out of the assured buy-back scheme for the honey produced by the bee-keepers it trains. The greater obective of MSKVIB is to encourage bee-keeping as a profession not because it is an income generating activity but also because it augments agriculture as bees are the best pollinators. 
Every year, 20th May is celebrated as World Bee Day and reminds us of the crucial role bees play in supporting sustainable agriculture and maintaining our ecosystem. 
Yet there are many misconceptions about bees and bee-keeping. Most people think that bees are dangerous and agressive as a result many  bee colonies are destroyed. However bees are far from agressive and will sting only on feeling harmed or threatened. People also feel that bee-keeping takes a lot of space and time and is limited to rural areas. However bee-keeping can be practiced in urban areas too. Of course one has to devote some time to it. People also feel that bees survive and grow on their own when in reality human intervention can give a real boost to their growth as also to creation of queen bees.
The threat to climate change and global warmimg indicate that there is an urgent need to protect these little creatures. Bees not only produce honey but function as pollinators. They help in the production of fruits and vegetables and contribute to our biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.
Today bees are facing several threats from inorganic farming and the harmful pesticides and chemicals used in agriculture. They are losing their  natural habitats and are either dwindling or forced to migrate due to changes in cropping patterns. They are also sucumbing to attacks of various viruses leading to devatation of bee colonies. 
On World Bee Day it is therefore important for us to dedicate ourselves to the cause of protecting bees and nurturing them.
This can be done by growing bee friendly fruits and flowers, flaura and fauna and switching over to healthy and organic agricultural practices. 
MSKVIB undertakes training programmes for professional as well as hobby bee-keeping. Interested groups could register for training and purchase bee boxes at subsidised rates on completion of training. 
A country like Israel has recognised the importance of Bee-keeping and has been making concentrated efforts for its growth. MSKVIB has also started making efforts by creating three honey villages of Manghar near Mahabaleshwar, Patgaon near Kolhapur and Gholwad in Palghar district as also increasing the number of training and training centres for bee-keeping. In fact the first honey festival of Maharashtra was organized in January 2024. India and specially Maharashtra needs to delve deeper into the various aspects of bee-keeping and ensure its potential leading to a 360 degree growth. This also needs convergence of various departments and stakeholders like the Agriculture Department,  Tribal Department,  Animal Husbandry Department,  Rural Development Department,  Forest Department etc. 
 Albert Einstein is quoted to have said that “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” ( Goodreads ) The veracity of this statement is doubted by some however the truth is that the humble bee has a very important role in sustaining humanity. Therefore let us begin by celebrating World Bee Day with a call for action which includes spreading awareness and taking steps to ensure bees are protected. This calrion call will not only improve our eco system and environment but also ensure sustainable livelihoods.
 In short, " Let’s 'bee' the change we wish to see."

Saturday, 4 May 2024

"Whispers in the Woods: A Message from Trees to the man-made Axe"

"Whispers in the Woods: A Message from Trees to the man-made Axe"

Last week I was invited to AUM , The Centre of Global Art located at Aarey Colony in Mumbai by a renowned artist, Dr. Narendra Borlepwar. He is in the pursuit of creating a hub for visual arts which will be home artists from all over the world.
Nestled amongst the green Aarey Colony it has a beautiful art gallery with beautiful paintings and sculptures on display.  Seeing the works of great artists was a feast for the eyes, mind and soul.
Amongst them was one such sculpture of an axe with trees clinging to it.
My limited knowledge of this wonderful medium made me wonder what it meant. The creator of AUM , Mr. Narendra Borlepwar came to my rescue.
His explaination of the thought behind this exquisite piece of art made me sit up. Enthusiastictically he gushed that the sculpture symbolised trees pleading to the axe to give up mindless destruction of the forest cover 
Created by the visionary artist, Nr.Nemaram Jangid, from  Sumerpur, Pali,Rajasthan this exquisite piece of art reminds us of our collective duty towards the environment and our responsibility for conserving nature.
For years now in the name of development we have axed forests without ensuring that the new ones we profess to plant survive. Human beings consistently continue to clear forest for various reasons like fuel, paper, agriculture and housing. This has led to serious consequences like climate change and global warming.
The sculpture captures this ongoing struggle between destruction of trees and it's adverse affect on  conservation of nature. It highlights the need to align our needs with the that of nature because unless we do that we shall soon be engulfed in climatic changes which could never be reversed.
In other words the artist and his  sculpture convey an important message that pursing human needs selfishly at the cost of the environment is unsustainable and ultimately self-destructive. It implores us to listen to the agonies inflicted on the earth and work towards protection and nurturing of our precious forests.
Let us pledge to be champions of earth, to cherish and preserve our forests for generations to come. Together, let us embark on a journey towards a future where the woods thrive, and the trees stand tall, embodying the resilience and beauty of our natural world. Let's not just plant trees but also devote ourselves to nurturing them.
"Nurture a tree today, save the planet for tomorrow."

Friday, 3 May 2024

Nature's circle...

Nature's Circle...

Every evening,  the setting sun  bids adieu,
Darkness descends but brings brightness of the moon...
And on some nights when the moon  is nowhere,
Never lose hope cos the stars are still there...
And then the benevolent Sun brings back the golden dawn, 
To fill our lives with new songs...
Nature's circle a  wondrous delight,
Teaches us lessons, day and night...
Every cycle, is a story to learn,
As the world around us continues to turn...
So, Embrace life's rhythm with hearts wide open,
Miracles will unfold ushering in solace and good omen...

Mann Vimal 

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope...

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope... God created us in pairs : man and woman; not as competitors, but as equals designed to com...