Saturday, 4 May 2024

"Whispers in the Woods: A Message from Trees to the man-made Axe"

"Whispers in the Woods: A Message from Trees to the man-made Axe"

Last week I was invited to AUM , The Centre of Global Art located at Aarey Colony in Mumbai by a renowned artist, Dr. Narendra Borlepwar. He is in the pursuit of creating a hub for visual arts which will be home artists from all over the world.
Nestled amongst the green Aarey Colony it has a beautiful art gallery with beautiful paintings and sculptures on display.  Seeing the works of great artists was a feast for the eyes, mind and soul.
Amongst them was one such sculpture of an axe with trees clinging to it.
My limited knowledge of this wonderful medium made me wonder what it meant. The creator of AUM , Mr. Narendra Borlepwar came to my rescue.
His explaination of the thought behind this exquisite piece of art made me sit up. Enthusiastictically he gushed that the sculpture symbolised trees pleading to the axe to give up mindless destruction of the forest cover 
Created by the visionary artist, Nr.Nemaram Jangid, from  Sumerpur, Pali,Rajasthan this exquisite piece of art reminds us of our collective duty towards the environment and our responsibility for conserving nature.
For years now in the name of development we have axed forests without ensuring that the new ones we profess to plant survive. Human beings consistently continue to clear forest for various reasons like fuel, paper, agriculture and housing. This has led to serious consequences like climate change and global warming.
The sculpture captures this ongoing struggle between destruction of trees and it's adverse affect on  conservation of nature. It highlights the need to align our needs with the that of nature because unless we do that we shall soon be engulfed in climatic changes which could never be reversed.
In other words the artist and his  sculpture convey an important message that pursing human needs selfishly at the cost of the environment is unsustainable and ultimately self-destructive. It implores us to listen to the agonies inflicted on the earth and work towards protection and nurturing of our precious forests.
Let us pledge to be champions of earth, to cherish and preserve our forests for generations to come. Together, let us embark on a journey towards a future where the woods thrive, and the trees stand tall, embodying the resilience and beauty of our natural world. Let's not just plant trees but also devote ourselves to nurturing them.
"Nurture a tree today, save the planet for tomorrow."

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