Thursday, 25 April 2019

Ratnagiri's jewel like products at The Mahalakshmi Saras Mart, Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar....

Ratnagiri's jewel like products at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar....

How little it takes for our hearts to be happy and how little does someone need to become happy is what I experienced with the SHG women of Ratnagiri who presently are at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar.
About twenty self-help groups have sent their representatives with the varied products they make.
So we have the best of Cashew nuts, spices, godaa and garam masala, fish masala, kokum, different kinds of flours, tasty chivda, pohaa, rice and original Ratnagiri Haapus ( 🍑 all sold-out, fresh stock coming again !!! ) Some have brought garments like gowns and blouses, bags, purses, jewellery and footwear. And of course , MSRLM has it's permanent shop with products and gift items from all over the state.
The place looked bright and peppy with the enthusiasm of the ladies. Their joy was infectious, their enthusiasm unbound. The exhaustion from my longish meeting since 11 a.m just evaporated.
I was so enthralled by their enthusiasm in showing me their products and coming together for group pictures. Each one had a sense of pride as they talked about their products from Khed, Sangameshwar, Chiplun, Ratnagiri and Mandangad. I was really touched when they expressed how grateful they were for this opportunity. Their sales had been good too.
As we clicked pictures, one lady from the groups expressed her desire to sing a community song. All the ladies joined her enthusiastically singing a motivational song in honour of our nation and the need to have feelings of patriotism, unity and nationalism. The importance of being a part of the SHG leading to the development of the village and the victory of the SHG was also in it. Her confidence in singing and leading the group was remarkable. The whole atmosphere was electrified by that energy. My heart resonated with their joy.

I was also engulfed in a spate of emotions. These women had travelled miles away from home to promote their enterprise and do business. Their aspiration for growth was phenomenal.
MSRLM through its various interventions is supporting SHGs through social, financial and economic inclusion for sustainable livelihoods. Providing backward and forward linkages is being done by way of Mahalakshm Saras snd other divisional exhibitions.
The Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at GVB, Karghar is another platform where SHG women from different districts are allocated space to market their products. Every ten days SHGs from a district in Maharashtra come here for an exhibition  and sale of their products. 
This week, the jewels of Ratnagiri are shining bright with their goods and spreading joy at the  Mahalakshmi Saras Mart, Gram Vikas Bhavan,  Kharghar. Add a dazzle to your life, a twinkle to their eyes when you go for shopping there....


  1. Excellent initiative Madam. A space for SHG women to showcase their skill and demonstrate their entrepreneurial ability to come out of poverty.

  2. Wonderful initiative, I had the first hand experience of shopping at the Saras mall during the Raigad group of SHGs. I could easily navigate through the products. The permanent shop also good move towards customer support as one get most of the products through out the year. These type of display needs to be arranged across the state for easy accessibility of products.

    1. Thank you for being our constant source of encouragement....

  3. Madam you are so enthusiastic. All your hard work will help these women.all the best

    1. Thanks for the generous compliments....and encouraging me...

  4. Very good effort by MSRLM and your team to enable SHGs to continuously exhibit their products. It can be reiterated here that womenfolk can go beyond boundaries to make them and their nation proud. Nice write up by you Vimala everytime a new district come to exhibit their products.

  5. उमेद अभियान रत्नागिरी के अनमोल रत्न।

    1. बहुत शुक्रिया....

  6. Good to know about SHG of women Great initiative keep it up Regds

  7. Mam it’s an only way to us for reaching Sustainable development and a wonderful example of your Strong Leadership. We feel proud to be a part of Umed.

  8. Ohhhhh...Waiting for fresh stock of Ratnagiri Haapus then...

    1. Please Keep track....go to GVB and place your order...

  9. A great initiative towards making SHG movement self sustaining. Marketing is the biggest missing link, when comes the question of making the livelihoods sustainable. This speaks volumes about the acumen of the leader. I wish much more success to MSRLM and Madam Vmala ji. The write up as is always, very interesting and impeccable.
    Badyal HSRLM.

    1. Thank you so much Sir for the encouraging remarks....Just keep doing my bit...hope and dream this will become as big as Delhi Haat some day...

    2. Good Morning,
      Definately madam. It will. My all wishes r with you and your team

  10. Spirit of enterprise is backbone of our nation, as well as integral part of our culture. We salute your accomplishments. Particularly happy for you because I'm also a Kharghar based social entrepreneur and author. Namaste. Jai Hind.

    1. Thank you so much....Will be happy to meet you some time....

  11. This is all your visionary leadership Ma'am. This sort of market connectivity will do wonders for these enterprising women based groups. Way to go Ma'am


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