Saturday, 20 April 2019

Sanjeevani and life beyond cancer....

Sanjeevani and life beyond cancer....

It was barely a fortnight since I had been introduced to Ruby Ahluwalia and I was invited to attend an event of learning, sharing and fun along with a seminar on the importance of psycho-social support for cancer by Sanjeevani, Life beyond cancer at Mumbai's Nehru Centre. I immediately made up my mind to go for it.
Cancer, is a disease talked in a hushed tones. The word evokes feelings of despair and helplessness akin to a death sentence. No illness must be arousing this kind of despondency. The feeling of gloom does not stop short of the individual but spreads to his or her family and friends.
In today's day and age each one of us knows at least one person in their circle of family and friends who is affected by cancer. In my family three persons had the disease. One unfortunately succumbed to it. But the other two fought back, faced it and have come out successfully to lead a long life. Grit and determination is what made them different. They are the bold and brave survivors.
Sanjeevani, life beyond cancer is an organisation bringing hope to the life of cancer patients and making them survivors.
Ruby Ahluwalia's life was also shattered when she discovered that she had cancer.
A successful bureaucrat, wife and mother she was certainly not prepared for such maladies. She therefore fought back and overcame all the stumbling blocks to emerge successful. She is an inspiring cancer survivor. Her path too was strewn with difficulties. She, therefore understood the woes of a cancer patient and had the foresight to venture into creation of an organisation which would support cancer patients.
Sanjeevani, life beyond cancer was established in 2012 to provide support for prevention and detection of cancer and giving psychosocial support.
The seminar on the importance of psycho-social support for cancer emphasised on the need  fir handholding cancer patients.
The panelists were eminent persons or survivors.
Ms.Desiree, initiated the conversation stating that confusion is the first thing that confounds a cancer patient. It is like the end of the road for most of them. For her, getting cancer and facing this problem when her mother too was in the last stage was doubly difficult. It was like a fog which made everything unclear. The individual 's life, job, relationships everything gets affected. One begins to wonder how will she manage, how would she live yet she survived.
Ms. Viji another panelist who had done research on cancer and even visited international institutions felt that whether in India or abroad the disease aroused a sense of being desolate. Of course there were a lot of misconceptions and myths about cancer. People were very afraid of the disease but if one acquires the right knowledge it can transform our attitude and help us to deal with it positively.
Dr.Vani, an Onco Surgeon, agreed that the disease causes great fear in the mind but one needed to become strong and face it.
Cancer was like any other disease like diabetes or hypertension. In fact those diseases could be more fatal. However the taboo of medication and the side effects associated with cancer made people afraid of it. However it wasn't the end of the road but just another chapter.
The attitude of the society is also responsible in perpetuating the negativity. What is actually required is support from the family and friends to face the adversity. The society must take responsiblity of creating a congenial atmosphere. If one took appropriate treatment and completed it , then cancer like any other disease is curable. What was most important was acceptance of the problem and having a positive attitude towards it.
This was vouched by Mr.Anand Parihaar. He reiterated that it was not only the person who has cancer but also the family which goes through a lot of hardships. Firstly, one needs time to accept that he or she is afflicted by the disease. Secondly it is not like something like fever which can be fixed with a paracetamol like crocin. Cancer needs specialised treatment. Apart from that counselling was also required since the patient gets drained physically and emotionally. The role of a care giver becomes extremely important to retain a positive frame of mind. He therefore advocated giving wigs to the patient so as to retain their confidence. Advice on proper nutrition and a holistic approach also becomes important.
Representing Life Insurance Corporation, Mr.Anand, had also seen the negative side of cancer. He was very influenced by the positivity of Ruby and Anil Ahluwalia and his initial interaction with 150 cancer survivors.He has been associated with the team ever since.
To him three things were important. The will to live and the will to fight, the presence of a mentor to support and investment in a policy to support treatment.
It is a well known fact that the treatment for cancer is extremely costly and can be formidable even for the wealthy. It was therefore important to plan for any unforeseen circumstances. LIC has a policy which not takes care of the patient but also of the family in case he or she is afflicted by cancer.
Family support, social bonding, reaching out to people along with financial planning was the biggest necessity.
The message which cut accross all was the need for psychosocial support.
Sanjeevani is doing a fabulous job by providing such support.
A report on the work done by Sanjeevani Angels in providing psychosocial support was presented by Dr.Sandhya and Dr.Geeta Balakrishnan of Nirmala Niketan. It highlighted the positive role played by the volunteers of Sanjeevani and the dire need for such support.
Gutsy cancer survivors were awarded and felicitated on the occasion. Almost 400 cancer survivors had come for the program which befittingly ended with a performance by a spirited team of young musicians from the Indie Routes Band.
Tales are narated about Veer Hanuman lifting the Dronagiri mountain to bring the life restoring herb, Sanjeevani for healing Lakshman's wounds.
Sanjeevani, Life beyond cancer, with its angels are providing that healing touch to so many cancer patients. This was no less than a modern day miracle !!! So kudos to Ruby, Anil Ahluwalia and team, God bless them with much more energy to take this mission forward.

P.S. one can reach Sanjeevani,  life beyond cancer on their dedicated website


  1. Wow what an insight and informative piece. Hats off to you.

  2. Such a life giving specialised support...✍️👏

  3. Nice one ma'am....Thanks for sharing ...

  4. कैंसर का भी इलाज हैं अब तो, बस शक का इलाज अब तक ना मिला...

  5. Very true
    Three years before my wife was working at Tata Memorial Centre Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer,Kharghar.
    That time she used to share lot of incidents about cancer patients.

  6. Really informative Ma'am. I will share this with people who keep reaching out to me for cancer and its related support services.


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