Thursday, 16 May 2019

Accountability, Being answerable to one's self....

Accountability, Being answerable to one's self....

It was not just another day. The alarm was abuzz and my head too as I woke up from my slumber in the morning. Many things had been planned for the day and many things had to be done. As I opened the windows, the cool breeze made me smile, the birds chirping with joy as they had already set out on their way into the skies.
A few hours later, as I stepped into office, the sense of purpose by way of acheivables for the day was specific.
After a couple of meetings, I set out to interact with the Block and District Mission Managers from the newly inducted districts into the intensive strategy of MSRLM. "Intensive" essentially meant having a dedicated team at the district, block and village levels for implementation of the activities under NRLM.
The induction is a seven day programme where the concerned staff is initiated to the ideology, precept and practice of NRLM with a complete introduction of all the thematics. These include social inclusion, capacity building, financial inclusion, livelihoods, convergence, procurement, human resources, administration, accounts, skilling and MIS. Together all these made a whole, and inadequate attention to any of these would lead to an imbalanced implementation.
When asked about the change in their roles now as compared to their previous one , most spoke about the increase in scope of work, the increased outreach, the method of implementation and the support mechanisms they would now be having to do their work.
What they did not touch upon was the word, "mission" which essentially made the difference.
The word 'mission' itself reflects the military zeal and commitment essential for performing the duties which had been assigned to all working under NRLM which would lead to specific results based on the plans made by themselves.
This was possible only when one had a sense of duty, strong commitment and made dedicated efforts to achieve the results based on planned action. Such conscientiousness was depending on one's own zeal and enthusiasm and not on those of others.
In a society where right from our childhood our responses are based on the affirmations and the validations we receive from our parents, siblings, peers and society we tend to limit our performances.
Fear of punishment, ridicule, humiliation, mortification leads us to become accountable. This would be clear if we look at our everyday lives.
For example , wearing of seat belts or helmets is done by many to avoid a fine or penalty imposed by the police and not because one champions safety. Such action is inappropriate because it is not based on positive reasons like our own safety or the good of the society. The underlying principle in such instances is fear.
Similarly in our jobs or profession, our desire to be proficient and to excel in our tasks gets limited to the outcomes of achieving targets, getting good appraisals or promotions. Deriving satisfaction from our jobs is relegated to the background. We end up being cogs in the machine. Our productivity in such cases is not only dwarfed but also becomes distant from positivity.
In contrast when one looks at his job as a means for mental stimulation and saisfaction and works passionately for the same the outcomes are different.
When one begins to be accountable to one's self and is motivated by pleasure or desire to work the whole scenario changes. This sense of responsibility which instils maturity and discipline of being accountable to one's self should be the basis for our motivation to work. It also means that it is you who choses the goals and sets them. Acheiving them therefore becomes joyful.
Having gratitude for the opportunities one has because of our job or profession becones important. Then one not only loves his job but also excels in it due to the passion which automatically follows. His commitment becomes complete not because he wants validation of others but because he is answerable to his own self.
It is only when we set our goals and work hard to achieve it and be accountable to ourselves we become successful and are also at peace.
In reality personal ethics is the precursor to professional ethics. If we are unethical in our personal lives, we cannot possibly be ethic professionally. If we are not commited to work in our personal life the possibility of commitment profesionally is quite unlikely.
Brushing mediocrity and casualness under the carpet just because you feel nobody is watching is detrimental to your own growth. We may retain our jobs but our personal growth would certainly be stunted. And of course  hypocrisy certainly has no place in accountability.
Years ago I refused to do something not because no one was watching me but because my parents had told me, that nobody maybe watching whatever you do but you would certainly be watching yourself.
Personal accountability requires mindfulness, courage, honesty,  acceptance and missionary zeal which is what working individuals not only in MSRLM but anywhere else really need.
Your mind is your mirror and your conscience is your guide. After all what shall it profit a man if he shall win the whole world but lose his own soul???.


  1. 'To thine own self be true
    And it shall follow as night the day
    You canst be false to any man' (Shakespeare in Hamlet)
    My teacher had given me this when I was to join my maiden job and this has always stood in good stead.very thought provocative write up. Good. Keep writing

  2. An eye opening piece of information which rightly placed looking at all angles of today's life cycle weather it is driving a vehicle or doing a job to be done the way it needs to be done. This will lead to personal and professional satisfaction.

  3. "जमीर मार कर जीया तो क्या जीया" God has given such people an opportunity to do "Punya" work and its paid too. Well written

    1. True.we are fortunate to have got this opportunity....

  4. So very well said Vimla. ...

    Especially today when most people are in the mode of being 'takers' instead of being in the mode of'givers'.
    Despite being blessed with a comfortable life most of us remain in a mode of being a taker and thus feelings of insufficiency and inadequacy rules our lives and the question of commitment, sincerity and looking within takes a back seat.
    Accountability and being answerable to ourselves emanate from being in space of abundance which comes when we get into the givers mode.

  5. आत्मिक और भौतिक दोनों के ही प्रगती में नैतिकता के तत्वों का समावेशक होना आवश्यक है। क्योंकि कोई व्यक्ति इसी कसौटी के अनुसार अपने आपको प्रामाणिक सिध्द करता है। और यह प्रामाणिकता ही लौकिक क्षेत्र में जन विश्वास और जन सहयोग अर्जित करती है। आत्मिक क्षेत्र में इसी आधार पर आत्म संतोष और दैवी अनुकंपा का अधिकारी वह बनता है। धन्यवाद!


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