Thursday, 25 July 2019

Chandrapur and Kannamvar Nagar....SHGs at Mahalakshmi Saras Bazaar, Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar

Chandrapur and Kannamvar Nagar, SHGs at Mahalakshmi Saras Bazaar,  Gram Vikas Bhavan,  Kharghar.....

My father was an officer in the railways and we were fortunate to have lived in the much talked about railway colonies. Travelling in the comfort of the railway trains was the added bonus.
We lived at Bhusawal, one of the largest railway junctions. A trip to Chennai, (then Madras) every summer was a must.
The only route available was via Wardha East where we changed to take the famous GT Express or the slower Dakshin Express.
My first memories of Chandrapur are Chaanda Ballarsha on this railway route.
I knew of Chandrapur as the famous coal town. It derived its name of the black gold city due to the coal mines.
Established by the Gond kings there are many legends about the place.
It is also the hometown of Shri. Marotrao Shambshio Kannamwar who was the second Chief Minister of Maharashtra between1962 and 1963. Many Mumbaikars would not know that Kannamwar Nagar in Vikhroli ( East), Mumbai is named after him. 
They would also be unaware of the fact the National Rural livelihoods Mission works for the empowerment of women through SHGs in rural areas. MSRLM Umed works under the aegis of NRLM and has almost 4 lakh self help groups. It works to provide them with sustainable livelihoods.
The SHGs produce many goods which are marketed through exhibitions at the district, division and state level. Thirty permanent shops has also been set up at the Mahalakshmi Saras Bazaar in Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar.
Every ten days one of the 34 districts of Maharashtra comes there to sell their products.
This time the SHGs of Chandrapur have come with a variety of products.
These include decorative wooden art and craft, exquisite Bhadravati terracota pottery and bamboo products. Different kinds of colorful bags, purses and table cloth are also available.
There is a variety for the foodies which includes hand pounded Organic Rice, brown rice, lentils and pulses.
SHGs are see synonymous with paapads and pickles and you will have much to choose from since a variety of mango, lemon, amla, mirchi pickles, amchur Powder, murambaa etc are available. However what is different are the fish pickles and the mohache pickles. Some SHGs have brought handmade Shevaaya, chutneys, spices, turmeric powder, mirchi powder, dhaniya powder and Ambadi powder. For those who like ready to eat food shev, chakli, ladoos, shankarpaale, chivda are waiting to be savoured.
Mushrooms, mushroom powder are another unique and hit item
Organic compost will be useful for those who love gardening.
Shevgaa kavach beej , pharmaceuticals plant, flax seeds will be worth trying as these are not commonly found in and around Mumbai.
The ladies can also pamper themselves with Bangles and silk thread Reshim Jewellery and feel they are on the moon.
That is what a visit to the stalls of the SHGs from Chandrapur district at the Mahalakshmi Saras Bazaar will make you feel like.
Kannamwar Nagar or Chandrapur, Maharashtra is all ours as also the diverse products made by the SHGs of Chandrapur district of MSRLM. The added attractions are a visit to the gushing Pandavkada waterfalls in the adjacent hills. For once, be carefree and enjoy the waterfalls and also
soak yourself in unparalleled joys of shopping for hand made products made by SHGs of Chandrapur....

P.S. The products will be available at Trimurti Praangan of Mantralay on 26th July 2019 from 11 a.m to 5 p.m.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Asmita Bazaar : MSRLM's Baby steps with Himalaya.....

Asmita Bazaar : MSRLM 's Baby steps with Himalaya.....

Maharashtra State Rural livelihoods Mission, MSRLM Umed works for the empowerment of women through self-help groups. A three pronged strategy is adapted to achieve the ultimate aim of sustainable livelihoods. These include providing support to enhance agricultural productivity and ancillary activities, like goatery and poultry, continuous capacity building for setting up enterprises and Skilling of youth through DDUGKY.
The goods produced by the SHgs need access to markets as also foward linkages. This is done by organising exhibitions at district, divisional, state, national and international level.
A market place for SHG products is essential to cater to the demands of urban areas. The Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at the Gram Vikas Bhavan in Kharghar was started with that intention. It has been a great exposure for the rural women from self help groups to present their goods here and also upload it online on the 'e-saras' platform.
This e-saras platform has over hundreds of products and has made online purchase and delivery of SHG products possible in the city of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.
The urban market is also flushed with malls providing FMCG to purchasers at competitive rates and fabulous discounts. Though such markets are opening up in tier 2 and 3 cities, rural India is yet to experience that boom of discounted prices.
The launch of Asmita app and Asmita sanitary napkins which were made available at about 1/3 the price of other good quality sanitary napkins on an e-platform was the first revolutionary step in that direction.
A project of this kind promoting rural SHGs to operate an end to end digital platform right from registration as retailers of Asmita sanitary napkins, to recharge of wallets , placing of order, receiving of product and selling it via Asmita app has been the first of its kind. More than 25000 SHGs have registered as retailers and have sold over 15 lakh packets of Asmita sanitary napkins. More than 40000 girls in Zilla Parishad scools have been provided Asmita sanitary napkins at a subsidised rate of Rs.5/-
Encouraged by this success it was decided to add another window for SHGs for retailing by way of Asmita Bazaar.
Asmita Bazaar envisages to make Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), from companies like Himalaya drug company, Reckitt Benckiser, Unilever, Agro products from Godrej Agrovet, & handmade products made by SHGs accessible to rural consumers through SHG network on the existing ASMITA mobile app.
MSRLM has over 3.8 lakh SHGs who are potential rural retailers under the ASMITA Bazaar Project. They would procure FMCG and agri products at discounted rate from manufacturers using ASMITA mobile applications, and sell the products to rural consumers at a discounted rate known as the ASMITA price thus giving benefit to the whole ecosystem. Quality products would be made available in rural areas just like the urban areas without any differentiation. The multinationals would have the benefit of easy access to a  potentially ready  untapped market of over 40 lakh households associated with the 3.8 lakh SHGs of MSRLM. 
ASMITA Bazaar platform focusses on ensuring availability of shortlisted grocery items, nutrition supplements, baby care products, beauty and personal care products, household and kitchen items, agro, poultry and goat farming feeds products etc. based on market demands among the village locals of rural Maharashtra.

MSRLM has already signed an MoU with Himalaya Drug Company to be a part of the Asmita Bazaar platform and enroll SHG women as retailers. It has also been decided that those companies which would come on board Asmita Bazaar would also be allowed to share small retail space at The Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar.
The Himalaya shop with mother and baby care products was inaugurated on 8th July 2019. It has a range of premium wellness products like Baby pants, wipes, Intimate wash, Nipple care butter, Happy Baby Gift Packs, Anti-rash cream, Soothing calamine baby lotion, Soothing body butter, Baby cream, Toning massage oil, Prickly heat and baby powder, baby soaps, baby shampoos, baby wash, Diaper rash cream, baby massage oil.
The shop is offering a flat 20% discount on all products of baby care & mother care without minimum order till 14th July 2019.  
So there is one more reason to rush to the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart, Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar.
Of course, the SHGs are there with their products, additionally, you can now shop for Himalaya products.
The ultimate dream of MSRLM is the ASMITA Bazaar Shop, a brand stores for ASMITA which shall be managed by members of SHGs selling FMCG products procured from manufacturers at discounted rate and sold at discounted prices. The brand store shall also be wholesaler in the village.
Surely these would be great milestones for the SHGs to achieve. May the beginning of these baby steps with Himalaya be the first milestone in that direction.....

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Attivaradan Vaibhavam, divine darshan after 40 years in Kanchipuram....

Attivaradan Vaibhavam, divine darshan after 40 years in Kanchipuram....

Kanchipuram, the historic city of temples, also famous for its silk is known throughout the world as a centre of culture and learning.
It has been home to many famous saints. and seers. Fifteen of the 108 Divya Desams are there at Kanchipuram as also the revered Kanch Kamakoti Peetham.
Adding glory to it this year is the Atthi Varadar Vaibhava Utsavam which is celebrated once in 40 years.
Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple, at Kanchi is one among the 108 Divya Desams of Lord Vishnu. The Alwars, holy saints had also visited this temple and sung praises to the Lord
The idol of Sri Varadarajar also known as Athiyuran is believed to have been made of Fig Tree (Athi Maram).
Legends say that during a Muslim invasion, the moolavar murthi of Lord Varadarajan, was damaged and could not be worshiped, it was kept in a silver cask and immersed in the temple's Ananda Saras tank.
The moolavar, main idol which we see now was brought from Pazhaya Seevaram, about 20kms from Kanchipuram.
The original moolavar of Lord Varadarajan which was immersed in the temple tank is taken out once in 40 years and placed outside for public worship for a period of 48 days.
The last utsavam was in 1979 and it is now being celebrated again with great pomp after 40 years.
Ever since June this year I had been hearing about the raising of Atthi Varadar at Kanchipuram in the month of July 2019.
As an individual I am extremely spiritual but not a big frequenter of temples. As written somewhere in my earlier blog, this is what I admire and love the most of being a devout Hindu. One can chose the path to bhakti and salvation. Prapatti as they say is ultimately the surrender of the mind to Narayana.

My father who had come from Delhi to be with us for Vishnu's birthday was to be dropped to Chennai on 30th June. This visit had to be postponed to 7th July due to some reasons. And as if by providence due to this change in dates I got the opportunity to take darshan of Atthi Varadar and experience the vaibhavam.
I feel blessed at getting this opportunity as I also firmly believe that Darshan of the Lord ultimately depends on his benevolence. As God's special child I was lucky to get this opportunity. Much to my joy I always end up being the chosen one for any prolific darshan.

My heart was full of emotion as we made way for the Darshan.
Lord Atthi Varadar in reclining postion in all its glory was there for us to see and receive blessings. The beauty of the Lord and His composure took me to another world.
As I looked at the Lord , I felt thankful to him for making it possible.
Verily it was Lord Varadharaj who is believed to have replied to Saint Ramanuja's queries that , He himself was Para Brahman , the cause for the world. Jeevatma and Paramaatma are certainly different and prapatti was the path to mukti, salvation emphasising that complete surrender to the Lord would ensure salvation from the cycle of births and deaths even if the bhakta did not think of the Lord at his last moment.
Lord Vishnu was generous to bless even Lord Brahma with a boon he wanted.
And since in this avatar, Lord Vishnu accepted requests of everyone and gave them what they wanted, he came to be called ‘Varadar’(one who gives).
The Varadaraja Perumal temple is referred to as the ‘Perumal Koil’ among Divya Desams is on a 22 acre temple complex in Kanchipuram and has many beautiful sanctums dedicated to different Gods. It also has the Ananda Saras  tank where the desecrated idol of Lord Atthi Varadar was hidden.
Legend says that it was probably discovered when the tank dried once. Ever since then it is taken out once in 40 years and kept for darshan for 48 days , this includes a reclining position for the first 24 days and standing position therefater.
So all bhaktas have the opportunity to see this wonder in a reclining position till the 23rd July and from the 24th July in nindra kolam, standing position till 9th August 2019.
For those of you who are in and around Chennai and Kanchipuram this is a unique opportunity one must not miss. For those who are away too it could be an experience of a lifetime because most people would witness this glorious wonder once or twice only in their lives.
I am fortunate to have received His blessings. I hope many of you are.

Friday, 5 July 2019

From Dhule with warmth....

From Dhule with warmth....

It has been raining in Mumbai, just the right time for tea, bhajiyas and a little warmth.
Yes, this time it is the SHGs from Dhule who have come to the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar.
You will be certainly surprised with the range of different products.
As I sauntered through the stalls , colourful rajaais and godhadis attracted my attention. One in shocking pink others in beautiful colours. I could not help holding one close to me and feel its warmth. Just right to overcome the cold feeling in the rains. May be that loving touch from the woman of the village made me feel so warm reminding me of my childhood.
Kushmanda SHG has brought organic lamps made from cow dung which made me look up. Earthly and simple, some of the cow dung lamps were coloured to add to their charm. The SHG was also making mosquito repellant and agarbattis, incense sticks.
Another enterprising lady from Jay Mahakali SHG has brought beautiful paintings in water colours for exhibition and sale. The riot of colours would make any gloomy day pleasant.
And the quilts made from original sheep wool are so unique. Now where can one find such genuine products in Mumbai?
There is a variety of rice and for those who love food straight from the villages this would be just perfect to stock up. There are quite a few varieties of organic dals to go with it. Ragi, rice, udad, paapads, kurdaaya, shevaaya, groundnut chutney, pickles and spices, wheat flour, flax seed are there in plenty as also organic jaggery .
Garlic buds for a healthy heart, sweet jagerry chikki which melts in the mouth and puranpoli flour are all waiting for you.

Full marks to Lamasa Art SHG from Fagane village of Dhule for discovering Lamasa Art and making it so popular.
Lamasa is a clay like substance, made by mixing and heating corn flour. It is coloured and used to create flowers, figures and objects such as paper clips, pencil caps, napkin holders, key holders, flower pots, decorative articles and jewellery.
It looks similar to porcelain but is harder despite looking delicate. So discover something new ways decorate your homes , wear colourful bangles in your hands or beautify your hair.
Come to the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at Gram Vikas Bhavan, eat food made by SHGs of Dhule, soak in the warmth of their innocence and truly get the feeling " From Dhule with warmth."

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope...

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope... God created us in pairs : man and woman; not as competitors, but as equals designed to com...