Friday, 5 July 2019

From Dhule with warmth....

From Dhule with warmth....

It has been raining in Mumbai, just the right time for tea, bhajiyas and a little warmth.
Yes, this time it is the SHGs from Dhule who have come to the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar.
You will be certainly surprised with the range of different products.
As I sauntered through the stalls , colourful rajaais and godhadis attracted my attention. One in shocking pink others in beautiful colours. I could not help holding one close to me and feel its warmth. Just right to overcome the cold feeling in the rains. May be that loving touch from the woman of the village made me feel so warm reminding me of my childhood.
Kushmanda SHG has brought organic lamps made from cow dung which made me look up. Earthly and simple, some of the cow dung lamps were coloured to add to their charm. The SHG was also making mosquito repellant and agarbattis, incense sticks.
Another enterprising lady from Jay Mahakali SHG has brought beautiful paintings in water colours for exhibition and sale. The riot of colours would make any gloomy day pleasant.
And the quilts made from original sheep wool are so unique. Now where can one find such genuine products in Mumbai?
There is a variety of rice and for those who love food straight from the villages this would be just perfect to stock up. There are quite a few varieties of organic dals to go with it. Ragi, rice, udad, paapads, kurdaaya, shevaaya, groundnut chutney, pickles and spices, wheat flour, flax seed are there in plenty as also organic jaggery .
Garlic buds for a healthy heart, sweet jagerry chikki which melts in the mouth and puranpoli flour are all waiting for you.

Full marks to Lamasa Art SHG from Fagane village of Dhule for discovering Lamasa Art and making it so popular.
Lamasa is a clay like substance, made by mixing and heating corn flour. It is coloured and used to create flowers, figures and objects such as paper clips, pencil caps, napkin holders, key holders, flower pots, decorative articles and jewellery.
It looks similar to porcelain but is harder despite looking delicate. So discover something new ways decorate your homes , wear colourful bangles in your hands or beautify your hair.
Come to the Mahalakshmi Saras Mart at Gram Vikas Bhavan, eat food made by SHGs of Dhule, soak in the warmth of their innocence and truly get the feeling " From Dhule with warmth."


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  2. आदरणीय मॅडम
    हे सर्व निव्वळ प्रोत्साहनामुळेच आणि आपल्या कार्यकुशलतेने तयार झालेल्या MSRLM च्या सर्व टीम मुळे शक्य झाले आहे. ग्रामीण भागातून येवून मुंबईमहानगरीत आम्हाला स्वत:चे अस्तित्व दाखविण्याची संधी उपलब्ध करून दिली आणि आमच्या कार्याचे भरभरुन कौतुकही आपण केले. आपल्या या सहयोग आणि सहकार्यासाठी आम्ही आपले आभारी न मानता कायम आपल्या ॠणात रहाणेचं पसंत करु...
    लमासा आर्ट
    ऊल्का शर्मा
    सुलक्षणा सुर्यवंशी

  3. धुले की यह किसी जमाने की अहिल्याएं धूल से उठे थे, आज खुद के काबिलियत, हुनर और आत्म शक्ति से उमेद के माथे का चंदन बन गए।

  4. लंम्हसा अतिशय सुंदर कलाकृती आहेत मागील सरस चे वेळी एका रबर मोल्ड तयार करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीने स्टॉल ला भेट दिली होती त्यावेळी त्याने सांगितले वेगवेगळ्या आकाराचे रबर मोल्ड बाजारात मिळतात त्याचा उपयोग करता आल्यास छोट्या मुर्त्या किवा शो केस मध्ये ठेवण्याचे खेळणी तयार करता येतील त्याला खूप डिमांड आहे


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