Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Attivaradan Vaibhavam, divine darshan after 40 years in Kanchipuram....

Attivaradan Vaibhavam, divine darshan after 40 years in Kanchipuram....

Kanchipuram, the historic city of temples, also famous for its silk is known throughout the world as a centre of culture and learning.
It has been home to many famous saints. and seers. Fifteen of the 108 Divya Desams are there at Kanchipuram as also the revered Kanch Kamakoti Peetham.
Adding glory to it this year is the Atthi Varadar Vaibhava Utsavam which is celebrated once in 40 years.
Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple, at Kanchi is one among the 108 Divya Desams of Lord Vishnu. The Alwars, holy saints had also visited this temple and sung praises to the Lord
The idol of Sri Varadarajar also known as Athiyuran is believed to have been made of Fig Tree (Athi Maram).
Legends say that during a Muslim invasion, the moolavar murthi of Lord Varadarajan, was damaged and could not be worshiped, it was kept in a silver cask and immersed in the temple's Ananda Saras tank.
The moolavar, main idol which we see now was brought from Pazhaya Seevaram, about 20kms from Kanchipuram.
The original moolavar of Lord Varadarajan which was immersed in the temple tank is taken out once in 40 years and placed outside for public worship for a period of 48 days.
The last utsavam was in 1979 and it is now being celebrated again with great pomp after 40 years.
Ever since June this year I had been hearing about the raising of Atthi Varadar at Kanchipuram in the month of July 2019.
As an individual I am extremely spiritual but not a big frequenter of temples. As written somewhere in my earlier blog, this is what I admire and love the most of being a devout Hindu. One can chose the path to bhakti and salvation. Prapatti as they say is ultimately the surrender of the mind to Narayana.

My father who had come from Delhi to be with us for Vishnu's birthday was to be dropped to Chennai on 30th June. This visit had to be postponed to 7th July due to some reasons. And as if by providence due to this change in dates I got the opportunity to take darshan of Atthi Varadar and experience the vaibhavam.
I feel blessed at getting this opportunity as I also firmly believe that Darshan of the Lord ultimately depends on his benevolence. As God's special child I was lucky to get this opportunity. Much to my joy I always end up being the chosen one for any prolific darshan.

My heart was full of emotion as we made way for the Darshan.
Lord Atthi Varadar in reclining postion in all its glory was there for us to see and receive blessings. The beauty of the Lord and His composure took me to another world.
As I looked at the Lord , I felt thankful to him for making it possible.
Verily it was Lord Varadharaj who is believed to have replied to Saint Ramanuja's queries that , He himself was Para Brahman , the cause for the world. Jeevatma and Paramaatma are certainly different and prapatti was the path to mukti, salvation emphasising that complete surrender to the Lord would ensure salvation from the cycle of births and deaths even if the bhakta did not think of the Lord at his last moment.
Lord Vishnu was generous to bless even Lord Brahma with a boon he wanted.
And since in this avatar, Lord Vishnu accepted requests of everyone and gave them what they wanted, he came to be called ‘Varadar’(one who gives).
The Varadaraja Perumal temple is referred to as the ‘Perumal Koil’ among Divya Desams is on a 22 acre temple complex in Kanchipuram and has many beautiful sanctums dedicated to different Gods. It also has the Ananda Saras  tank where the desecrated idol of Lord Atthi Varadar was hidden.
Legend says that it was probably discovered when the tank dried once. Ever since then it is taken out once in 40 years and kept for darshan for 48 days , this includes a reclining position for the first 24 days and standing position therefater.
So all bhaktas have the opportunity to see this wonder in a reclining position till the 23rd July and from the 24th July in nindra kolam, standing position till 9th August 2019.
For those of you who are in and around Chennai and Kanchipuram this is a unique opportunity one must not miss. For those who are away too it could be an experience of a lifetime because most people would witness this glorious wonder once or twice only in their lives.
I am fortunate to have received His blessings. I hope many of you are.


  1. It is good to hear this.we are planning in the month of August.

  2. U r lucky Vimla to have his darshan. Hope He blesses Tamil Nadu with copious rains this year..

  3. I wish I had read this earlier.


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