Thursday, 26 September 2019

Kalanjiam, DHAN Foundation, MSRLM and women's empowerment

Kalanjiam, DHAN Foundation, MSRLM and women's empowerment

Most of us may not have heard of Padmashri P. Chinnapillai from Tamil Nadu. Decades ago she shot to fame as the woman whose feet the then Honble Prime Minister, Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee had touched while recognizing her contribution to the cause of women empowerment. She had shown exemplary courage by supporting creation of groups of women, inculcating habits of saving. She weathered several storms for the cause of women in a male- dominated society and has stood tall in the promotion of this cause. I was fortunate to be sharing the stage with a lady of her stature at the biennial annual event of DHAN Foundation.
One look at her endearing smile and her matter-of-fact presence made me understand the value which community institutions had brought into the lives of women. Listening to her talk about her journey was a revelation. She personified the hopes and dreams of thousands and lakhs of ordinary women from rural households in our country who were doing their bit for women empowerment.
Dhan Foundation's journey centers around successful mentoring of almost 50,000 households out of poverty. The symposium at Madurai was a celebration of such success stories and also for furthering the cause of women's empowerment through sustainable development.

Two years ago, when Ms. Thanksy Thekekara, a renowned IAS officer in Maharashtra, my mentor and a pioneer of Women's empowerment introduced me to DHAN Foundation, I knew little about them. However, I slowly discovered that DHAN Foundation has been working for the cause of women's empowerment since 1990s and had expanded their work in almost 14 states. In Maharashtra too they have a presence in about 11 districts of Marathwada and Vidarbha.
It was also very interesting to know that DHAN had initiated Community banking through the savings-led microfinance model. It not only brought in equity for women but also made them aware of their entitlements giving them a sense of ownership. They understood the value of savings and also the fact that their consumption needs could be managed by getting loans from their own organization.
This simplified their self development. These 50000 SHGs now have savings of over Rs.499 crores giving them the strength to mobilize institutional loans. This in turn has enhanced their livelihood opportunities and helped them create productive assets thereby enhancing credit absorption at  the household level.
The creation of this independent financial institution which has supported over 50000 households has brought financial discipline among their SHGs. Insurance and social security has also increased due to the continuous efforts of all stakeholders.
The inaugural function had representatives NABARD and other public sector banks and also the LIC. Syndicate Bank , Regional Manager, Mr.Savadamuthu signed an MOU for bank linkage worthh Rs.300 crores.
That DHAN's work was extending to the core development sectors was evident from the fact that the Commissioner , Madurai Municipal Corporation, Mr.Visakan, IAS was handing over 10 water ponds to them for repair and maintenance. That the Additional Collector and Project Director, DRDA, Mr.Amrith, IAS found value in discussing Swachh Bharat on this platform by itself spoke a lot about DHAN's outreach as well as women's role in development. Ms. Annette Houtekamer, from Netherlands reflected on DHAN's International presence.
Dhan had extended its forte to skilling and creating a team of professional managers to work for their cause. Their academy is imparting skills to youth for the promotion and propagation of the social cause which had given them strength.
Off late most of us are rediscovering the value of small millets and its positive role in our health and nutrition. The Small Millets Foundation is an interesting extension of Dhan which focuses on production of small millets and promoting its consumption among masses. To facilitate the cause the SMF has designed an energy efficient Small Millet Portable Impact Huller useful for sifting small Millets.
DHAN has therefore been working for the cause of all round empowerment of women for over two decades.
There are several organizations in India working for this cause.
During the last five years the National Rural Livelihoods Mission has emerged as an umbrella organization working for the empowerment of women in rural areas. Beginning with Social inclusion and moving on to financial inclusion and sustainable livelihoods the state missions under NRLM have grown from strength to strength.
In Maharashtra, MSRLM Umed works for the empowerment of women through self help groups and community based organizations. It has more than 4 lakh SHGs, 43 lakh households, 12000 plus Village organizations and over 500 cluster level federations.
The issue of continuous loyalties of members of self-help groups to their organisation or the methodologies adapted by different organizations are often a matter of concern.
The NRLM philosophy is the outcome of intense studies undertaken by various stakeholders and propogates the growth of the community through community based institutions created by the poor. It envisages the creation of an architecture which will sustain society through sustainable livelihoods.

This fact needs to be acknowledged by every organization which works for such similar cause. They need to explore the possibility of associating with the National Program and derive benefits from it for their women.
After all, the welfare of the woman and her household is the most limportant and she must not be deprived of any possible benefits by not being associated with the national program.
Recently MSRLM entered into an MoU with Lupin Foundation whereby the SHGs created by the Lupin Foundation have been aligned with MSRLM..
MSRLM has been propagating this model of Convergence to all organizations including DHAN whereby they can harness benefits for all.  It is like the rivers existing on their own as well as finding their way to the ocean. After all water seeks it's own level and so must social capital.....

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Health Products, artifacts and more from Buldhana SHGs....

Health Products, artefatcs and more from Buldhana SHGs....

The alarm buzzed and with it my mind thinking about the long day ahead. Apart from the usual routine at home, I was to travel to Pune and from there to Madurai for an International Women's Conference.
My mind floated towards the SHG women from Buldhana who had come to Saras Bazaar at Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar. I had planned to meet them too on my way to Pune. My heart fluttered with anticipation of their reaction.
To the SHGs , Mumbai or Navi Mumbai represented Mahalakshmi Saras. They always imagine that their products would get a huge response and so come with a lot of hope. However Saras Bazaar is MSRLM's regular shop; it is certainly not Mahalakshmi Saras though it has all the semblance of that because products from SHGs from all over Maharashtra are available at our dedicated store and also available online through the E-Saras app for customers in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. With all these thoughts in mind my routine work at home ended and after getting ready , I was on my way to meet the SHGs of Buldhana.
I was more or less aware of the kind of response my visit would evince yet I was overwhelmed by their warmth.
The enthusiasm of each one of them to show their product and explain their speciality was heartening.
The morning time seemed just appropriate for divinity and why not when Sulbha from the Jai Malhar Apang gat ( group of differently abled ) showed me the beautiful cute little dresses, crowns and other attractive articles which they had brought to adorn Gods and Godesses in the festive season. The articles were not only handmade by the disabled but were also reasonably priced.
The very next stall was of health products including Musali Powder. Shalini More of the Bhimai Mahila Bachat Gat showed me the raw material and also explained the entire process of planting and harvesting the crop and the method of processing it into musali powder. Additionally she explained the health benefits which included support against diabetes, acidity, obesity since it has saponin and sapogenin in it. Her earnestness and knowledge were impressive.
There was more of health in store for me as Chaya of Sahyadri gat also showed me her ayurvedic health products to cure diabetes and other ailments. Like most people wanting to lose weight I was particularly fascinated by the Silam Powder which guarantees weight loss in three months. Chaya said she had used it personally and gained results. That goaded me immediately to purchase a pack at Rs.150/- .
Some SHGs had brought agarbattis' incense sticks and some had brought dresses for children. Some brought nachni (ragi) flour, sago- sabudana flour, saandge, shevaaya' papads and spices.
My mouth watered with the taste and smell of various chutneys like groundnut and garlic chutney, flax seed chutney and rice and jowar puffs.
Of course, the usual organic products like different pulses, tur dal, moong dal, urad dal, chana dal, are also there. Organic ghee from Gir cows enticed me with their aroma.
Roasted chana and organic gur made me remember the heroine from the epic film "Jai Santoshi Maa" as also of the health benefits of eating them. Health freaks could also buy their Sunflower seeds at earthly prices in contrast to the high cost they coughed up in urban health stores.
Another interesting product is the "godambi" which is a cross between cashews and pistas and is packed with nutrients. Fleshed out from the thick black kernel with hands , it tastes yummy and is extremely beneficial to health. One could therefore gorge on it, both for taste and health.
The Instant readymade Idli and Dhokala Mixes would be a blessing for the working women and for those hosting unexpected guests.
Finally, my eyes were drawn to the colorful items like small purses, bags, wall hangings, table mats made in wool. The market for such products in Mumbai would be negligible despite the fact that these rural products were really attractive. Maybe a little tweaking in the variety or the items which had been made by the women would do the trick and their art could find life.
All said and done, the SHGs from Buldhana had come with great stuff and there was a great variety to choose from. So pick up your purses and shopping bags and rush to the Saras Bazaar at Gram Vikas Bhavan. Their products are certainly a sold out and their attitudes endearing. My meeting with them had transformed my morning, it had become extraordinary by their extra dose of love.....

P.S. SHGs from Buldhana and Jalgaon will be displaying their products for sale at Trimurti Prangan in Mantralay on 25th September 2019

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Saksham Mahila Melawa, with the Hon'ble Prime Minister: A milestone in MSRLM......

Saksham Mahila Melawa, with the Hon'ble Prime Minister: A milestone in MSRLM......

Saras Navi Mumbai was coming to an end and we were busy with the wrap up when we received intimation about the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi consenting to be the Chief Guest at the Saksham Mahila Melawa, (The Empowered Women's Conclave )at Aurangabad on 7th September 2019.
The immediate feeling was of elation and excitement. Rural livelihoods and empowerment of women has always been a priority for the Hon'ble Prime Minister. He has always emphasized on women-led development instead of women's development.
He also believes that financial independence is necessary for the development of women. The government therefore ensured that a number of schemes were implemented to support financial growth of women through Self help groups. The Prime Minister has always appreciated that women self help groups are laying the foundation of financial prosperity in rural areas and have the potential to transform the society. No wonder he has stated that, women are enterprising, they don't need to be taught, only need to be given opportunities to perform. They have huge potential in them, and need to realise their capabilities.
MSRLM has witnessed a significant growth in the SHG movement with an increase in the number of SHGs and households. What is more important is the growth in livelihoods which went up from about thirty five thousand in 2016 to more than twelve lakhs in 2019.
This growth has essentially been in sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry; which, again according to the Hon'ble Prime Minister,
are vital for rural economy.
The increase in livelihoods has naturally resulted in increase in family incomes, improvement in lifestyle and education.
This was possible due to the continuous training, capacity building and creation of a dedicated cadre of Community Resource Persons, CRPs popularly known as Sakhis. This dedicated cadre of more than forty thousand women comprising of various sakhis like the Wardhinis, ICRP, Prerikas, Krishi Sakhi, Pashu Sakhi, Matsya Sakhi, Aarogya Sakhi, Poshan Sakhi, Convergence Sakhi , Bank Sakhi, Financial Literacy Sakhi etc are the driving force of MSRLM.
It had been our desire to show case the strength of this cadre and also the capabilities of our groups at the topmost level.
That we had almost five lakh women farmers, about two lakh poultry breeders, two and half lakh goat rearers, twenty thousand fish breeders, one lakh thirty thousand vegetable cultivators, and over ninety thousand floriculturists aggregating to over twelve lakh livelihoods is a matter of pride for us. We have disbursed bank loans of over Rs.5300 crores and women have made capital gains of over Rs. Seven hundred crores.
We had got the greatest opportunity of showcasing these achievements to none other than the Hon'ble Prime Minister of the country and we were gratified.
Of course, the time for preparation for an event of this magnitude was really short but we got into it with right earnest. Once the location was identified by the local authorities , construction of the Pandal and exhibition area was begun.
Arrangements for parking, public conveniences, drinking water were priorities. Appropriate entry and exit for one lakh women , Ministers, VIPs, public figures and also safety and security of all was important. Emergencies and medical aid were also to be planned.
The most important amongst these were safe travel and return of the women who would be congregating from all over Maharashtra. Arrangements for safe travel by buses and comfortable stay during travel along with responsible officials in charge were planned meticulously. Dedicated staff was allocated to take note of the travel plans along with the bus numbers and route plans.
Publicity including print and electronic media and its design and printing needed application of mind. Signage at different locations giving directions and informing about seating arrangements was critical.
Security arrangements had to befit the stature of the Honble Prime Minister.
Special security passes had to be procured for entry into different areas.
The minute to minute programme had to be finalized in consent with the PMO.
Apart from the visit to our exhibition, the main
event consisted of release of two audio- visual films on the journey of MSRLM and Milk producer cooperatives. A coffee table book on the Transformation of Rural Maharashtra was also to be released.
Ensuring all Audio-visual equipment had been set up and was working properly was very important.
All this had to be done at great speed without compromising on the quality.
The task may have been herculean but sheer grit and determination led us to complete them all and be in readiness within the specified time period of one week for the arrival of the Hon'ble Prime Minister.
On arrival at the exhibition, he was welcomed by two Banjara ladies dressed in traditional attire. He graciously accepted their sisterly affection of tying a rakhi.
The exhibition pavilion began with the One Acre Model emphasizing on zero budget farming. He paid rapt attention to Krishi Sakhi, Smt.Savita Jivanrao Yelane of Wardha who explained the philosophy behind this model. Her prompt reply that she earned about Rs.1 lakh from this model brought a look of satisfaction to his face. Smt.Savita also explained the wheel for Sustainable Agriculture and showed the various organic fertilizers on display.
The Pashu Sakhi, Smt.Varsha Manohar Chahande , explained the concept of Community Livestock Business Centre, goatary products, inland fishery and hatchery. The Hon'ble Prime Minister has always been passionate about health and nutrition. Ms.Pankaja Munde , Minister for Rural Development, spoke about the successful nutri garden model which has expanded from 9 blocks to 254 blocks improving the overall health and haemoglobin levels of women.
Principal Secretary, Shri. Aseem Gupta put forth the aggregation model of Yellow Revolution, which had developed a market for Desi eggs. The Honble Prime Minister made constructive suggestions to explore and develop honey and jute value chain.
The trading model of Asmita Plus sanitary napkins and the concept of Asmita Bazaar were also explained. Women would not only get good quality products but would also make good profits from this trading model.
The Non farm activity products included beautiful artifacts featuring Banjara embroidery, Warli paintings and products, copper bottles, spices, cashews and quilts made from sheep wool.
His observations were pertinent and at times laced with humor making it a lifetime experience for each one of us.
His subsequent address emphasizing on the various schemes made for women like the Ujwala, Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana, Jandhan Yojana, Mudra loans etc reflected that the welfare of women was close to his heart.
His enthusiasm was palpable at all times despite the fact that he had arrived just a day back from Russia, and had been up all night at Bengaluru at ISRO. He had begun his day by giving moral support to the ISRO chief and he was ending it by spending time with successful women entrepreneurs of MSRLM who he believes are the real nation builders.
To the one lakh women who attended this conclave , it was not merely an opportunity of looking at the Prime Minister or listening to him. It was display of their strengths, their unity, their capacities and capabilities which must have been surely noted by the Hon'ble Prime Minister. Their intent to make their mark as agriculturists in the economy of India can be seen on the wall. Their path ahead is certainly clear.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

SHG with goodies from the Cotton City of Akola at Saras Bazaar, Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar

SHG with goodies from the Cotton City of Akola at Saras Bazaar, Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar

Akola, known as the cotton city and also famous for its many educational institutions and proximity to the famous Gajanan Maharaj shrine in Shegaon has recently been incorporated into the intensive scheme under MSRLM. Maharashtra originally had 36 blocks in the intensive strategy through World Bank support under NRLP- National Rural Livelihoods Project of DAY NRLM. They were increased to 50 blocks in 2014. Between 2016 to 2019 due to the consistent efforts all 34 rural districts including 301 blocks have been brought into the intensive fold which means they have a full-fledged team at the district, block and village levels.
Akola self help groups are witnessing a transformation due to the efforts being made by the local administration. This can be seen in the quality of products which have been brought to the Saras Bazaar at Gram Vikas Bhavan , Kharghar.
In fact, your mouths will water with the array of goodies brought by the SHGs of Akola. Beginning with tasty gul patti made from delicious jaggery, healthy raajgira laddus, light and fluffy murmure laddus, delicious mysorepa, shankarpaale, you can add sweetness in the festive season. Along with the sweets, savories like Shev and chakli, potato chips will add spice to your life.
The usual paapad, shevaya, kurdaaya, pickles, spices, masala powder, turmeric powder, chilly powder, pulses are there of course as also items made from potatoes for those who fast and naachni pongas ( fryums) and moong vadis to brighten your meal.
For those who like household items there are woolen products for the onsetting winter and also decorative articles made from microns.
Some groups have brought roasted chana and Watana. Mouthwatering homemade chocolates and organic pickles seem to be a novelty. Tangy tomato sauce to pep up your meal is also there. In keeping with the ban on plastic, a group has brought cloth bags. Another group has brought readymade clothes like salwar, petticoats, blouses.
The Ganesh festival is still on and one could feel blessed by purchasing beautiful Ganesh Idols. Of course the ladies from.the SHGs at Akola would also feel blessed with the sale of their products. So please do visit Saras Bazaar at the Gram Vikas Bhavan and perpetuate joys.

P.S.- The products from SHGs of Akola will be available at Trimurti Praangan of Mantralay on Monday, 9th September 2019 from the 11 a.m to 5 p.m.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

The Enabled and Empowered Woman....The State Level Saksham Mahila Melawa, 7th September 2019, Aurangabad

The Enabled and Empowered Woman....The State Level Saksham Mahila Melawa, 7th September 2019, Aurangabad

The last 2 days have been really hectic with preparations for one of the most important official events of my career. Shouldering the responsibility of organizing an event where the Chief Guest is none other than the Hon’ble Prime Minister of our country, Shri. Narendra Modi is invigorating. Of course I ammon my toes and it certainly has not been easy to be able to manage office and home, specially with my child having his half-yearly examinations thereby needing me all the more.
Many times, I wonder whether I am doing justice to my own self, caught in the various roles I play as an administrator, daughter, sister, wife, mother and a friend.

Being a woman has never been easy and with the passage of time, the challenges have not only become diverse but have also grown in multitudes. The choices that we make in real life situations pose the greatest challenge because many times the decisions we make are in conflict with the other roles played by us, hurtling us into a journey of guilt.
At times , I wonder whether men also undergo this immense sense of guilt experienced by most working moms. Maybe it is their psychological set up or the norms of the society which inflict this feeling of guilt on women. Most men possibly escape this sense of guilt since the primary responsibility of the home and hearth still rests with the woman.
The upcoming event – Mahila Saksham Melava to be held in Aurangabad on 7th September 2019 involves participation of about one lakh women who are among the 43 lakhs of rural women who have been empowered by Umed, the Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission. Their journey beginning with social inclusion leading to financial and economic inclusion and thereon to sustainable livelihoods has been so fulfilling. With more than 5 lakh women farmers, 2 lakh goat rearers, 1 lakh poultry breeders, 1 lakh vegetable growers, 10000 fish breeders, 10000 floriculturists aggregating to over 12 lakh sustainable livelihoods creating capital gains of over Rs.750 crores by itself speaks a lot about the mission.
No doubts the mission has moved from strength to strength due to the efforts made by our able team mates not just at state level but across district, block and village level. The cadre of community resource persons, our sakhis are the biggest asset of our mission. Without their support, enthusiasm and strong will power none of this would have been possible.

For the opportunity bestowed on me to organize an event of this massive scale, first and foremost I am indebted to my parents for my existence and for the hope they always give me, especially my late mother whom I miss ardently. I cannot thank my siblings specially my sister any less for they are my strength. One can never forget the schooling that shapes our foundation and brings the best in you and my college which helped me to blossom. The management of such an event requires immense support from your families and I have been lucky to have a loving husband, a dotting son and in-laws who were more than parents for me. The people who share a special place in my heart are responsible for making me an able and empowered woman.
However emotional this may sound but the truth is that there are millions of capable women and girls in rural areas who are devoid of support which stunts their growth. Programmes like the State Level Saksham Mahila Melawa bring forth the possibilities and avenues for growth of women through consistent capacity building undertaken by Umed MSRLM.
This event is a celebration of all the empowered women across the state who are willing to make an effort and walk that extra mile to make ends meet. It is a celebration of women who wear multiple hats every day in their life and fulfill their responsibilities. It is a celebration of being able to strike a balance between personal and professional life.

The famous saying goes that behind every successful man there is a woman but through my personal experience, I truly believe that behind every successful woman there is a man. In a society which propagates equality and equal rights, women don't need wings to fly. All they need are open minds, understanding hearts and unflinching support.
Walk not in front of , for I may not follow, walk not behind me for I may not lead, just walk beside me and be my true friend. Yes, a true friend is all that a woman needs for real empowerment.....

P.S. The live link of the State Level Saksham Mahila Melawa can be accessed on the link, on Saturday, 7th September 2019 on your mobiles, tablets, laptops and computers from 12 noon. The Honble Prime Minister will interact with the members of the self help groups from 13.40 hours IST.

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope...

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope... God created us in pairs : man and woman; not as competitors, but as equals designed to com...