Thursday, 7 November 2019

First time entrepreneurs....SHGs from Kolhapur at Mahalakshmi Saras Mart, Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar....

First time entrepreneurs....
SHGs from Kolhapur at Mahalakshmi Saras Mart, Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar....

About 6.30 p.m in the evening yesterday I went to Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar. Tall and imposing, it stands out in the dark. It is also a witness to the growth and development of the women from self help groups of Maharashtra. Begun ambitiously last year, it has made considerable headway in providing the bare minimum facilities to the SHGs for marketing their products. SHGs from more than 15 districts have been able to come and sell their products in the shops here. 
Of course there have been a lot of challenges, some say the location is not appropriate and others say that the range of products need to be varied and different. Packaging and presentation has also been a major challenge for many.of course, a lot of lessons have to be learnt. Being a first time entrepreneur is surely not easy. However,   for the SHGs who come from far-flung districts of Maharashtra even stepping out of their homes for 12 days is our biggest achievement. 
This was explicitly shared by Rajashri Patil, who is a Wardhini trainer and also one among the ladies who has come to Gram VikasBhavan. She said that most of them had come out of their homes for the first time. Some of them hadn't been stepped out of their villages. Coming all the way to Navi Mumbai, getting an opportunity to exhibit products and sell them at Navi Mumbai and in Mantralay was a learning by itself. They could gauge their skills, the standard of their products and understand areas where they needed to improve. 
This desire to learn and understand and the earnestness to grow was evident in the ladies of all the 14 groups who have come as was reflected in the words of Shoba Sutar.
Most of them have brought different kinds of Masala, chilli powders, chutneys and pickles. One SHG had come with innovative products like jackfruit juice, jackfruit jam not found commonly. The packing was something to vouch for and no wonder D'Mart is keen to keep these products in their store at Kharghar. 
Some SHGs have brought different kinds of flour like Ragi, rice, daangar, a vegetable. . One SHG has brought herbs to drive away pain, piles, kidneystones and acidity. There are some good handmade bags, pouches and purses made of cloth. You can add some sweetness in your life with organic jaggery, pedaas and various barfis brought by an SHG from Narsobachiwadi. Some SHGs have brought unshelled groundnuts, picked up freshly from the farms and also white til, and til laddoos. 
The only desire of all these women is getting a good response from the residents of Navi Mumbai. 
Off late there us a great desire among citizens to work for philanthropic causes and support those  who need to grow and develop. 
MSRLM Umed is providing that very opportunity to women from rural areas through its self help groups. You can also get associated in this cause by purchasing the products of the SHGs. Some of you could even guide them in ways to improve on the quality and packaging of the product as per your needs. 
Change is the only thing which is constant in our life. Bringing about that change or being the means of change is perhaps the most difficult thing to do. If you notice our lives deeply, each one of us is instrumental in bringing about some positive change.
Buying products from SHGs and supporting them is certainly a big change. Presently SHGs from Kolhapur are there with their products at the Mahalakshmi Saras Bazaar, Gram Vikas Bhavan, Kharghar. One visit from you and a single purchase can change their lives. So do visit Gram Vikas Bhavan and experience change.  Their products and their smile will certainly make you  feel the change. 

P.S. SHGs from Kolhapur will be at Trimurti Prangan, Mantralay on 8th November 2019. 


  1. A very interesting fact about women empowerment. One must visit and buy products from these melas which not only give the opportunity to the rural women but also a level playing ground these fraternity.

  2. Good to know about Kolhapur SHG and their first stint in exhibition. Despite being the first timer they exhibited remarkable confidence and business sense by keeping a good range of products. Support from MSRLM will take them far ahead in their small businesses. In my new work with small scale Women social entrepreneurs I’m also learning that though they come from a humble background but these women have a very strong desire and inner drive to improve their lives. And the support from organizations like MSRLM provides them that push which is the only lacking ingredient in many cases. It’s great to read these stories. Thanks for sharing :)


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