Saturday, 2 November 2019

KeralaAah.... blissful break at Ashtamudi....

KeralaAah.... blissful break at Ashtamudi....

We are just back from our short sojourn to Ashtamudi, in Kollam district of Kerala. The holiday had been planned in a hurry but turned out to be one of the most memorable ones in my life.
My excitement at the thought of staying in a floating cottage on lake Ashtamudi crystallized as soon we entered the idyllic surroundings of the Club Mahindra Resort.
As we walked down to our floating cottage, we could see the vast expanse of the lake Ashtamudi. No wonder it is the most sought after backwaters in Kerala.
Ashtamudi meaning eight knots or branches draws its name from the eight lakes which are part of the whole. It jostles with the river Kallada and also meets the Arabian Sea.
The floating cottage was as inviting inside as much as it was beautiful outside. The tastefully done wooden interiors with a sit out overlooking the lake almost felt like the sea. The soothing sound of the lapping waves added charm. The waters sparkled in the twilight and twinkled with the stars at night. The cool breeze soothed our minds. Our tranquility increased since the serene waters of the lake was visible from every part of the cottage. 
More had yet to come as we set out on the cruise next morning. As our boat meandered through the waters we explored the breathtaking views surrounding the lake. The vibrant green coconut trees dotted the lake side making it appear like a scene freshly painted. Birds fluttering around made us point at them like gleeful kids. A kite, an eagle, a drongo and some water birds.
Intermittently we found chinese fishing nets along the lake kindling our curiosity. Fishing was one of the main sources of livelihoods no doubts.
Our boat passed a few habitats which also comprised of a single home island. We wondered how the household managed such a tough life. Totally cut off from an urban world their mode of transport were small boats which they themselves had to row. Like a two wheeler in modern houses each house had a small boat tied outside. Blissfully unaware of the modern ways of life they were surviving despite the tsunami. In fact the sailors of our boat had been saviours of the locals from the island during the Tsunami and had been awarded for the same. A Mumbaikar would surely feel like a fish out of water if he had to live forever in such surroundings.
Our boat stopped at the Munroe Island which had about 500 households inhabiting in it. We walked down the concrete path winding its way through the intriguing waterways. As we explored its beauty we also came across a breeding space for tiger prawns. The Island housed an ancient church but had no hospital or police station.

On our onward journey most of us had our fill getting photographed in titanic poses but while returning we got a bonus of posing as captains of the boat.
As we returned to our floating cottage , I wondered how many of us knew about Ashtamudi and its beauty. Holidaying abroad is the most happening thing. In fact holidaying in our own country is looked down upon and causes a lot of heartache for the present generation. However for us, every holiday in India has made us yearn for more. 
Ashtamudi, of course was a dream vacation in the lap of nature, calm, comforting and soothing. I have had my fill when will you have yours?

P.S: Ashtamudi is about 80 kms from Thiruvananthapuram which has an airport.  The nearest railway station and bus station is at Kollam in Kerala. 

1 comment:

  1. झूमते नारियल-ताड़ के पेड़ और सघन वनस्पति से घिरी अष्टमुदी झील में विष्णु की तस्वीर सर्वाधिक सुंदर तस्वीर लग रही है। अष्टमुदी झील से वापसी करते समय हाउसबोट क्रूज और बोट के कप्तान बनकर टाइटेनिक की तरह लुत्फ उठाने का मनोहारीक लुत्फ़ प्रियजनों के साथ दुर्लभ मिलता है। ब्लॉग में वर्णित यह झील नारियल के उपवन, लाल खड़ी चट्टानों और ताड़ के पेड़ों के बीच से मार्ग क्रमन करती हुई जैसे यह अष्टमुदी झील जीवन के चढ़ उतार की एक झलक दिखलाकर यह संदेश दे रही हो की हे मुसाफिर, तुम्हें रुकना नहीं, तुम्हें थकना नहीं, बस बहते रहना।
    एक वो अष्टावक्र था और एक यह अष्टमुदी दोनों ही अपरिचित परंतु दोनों ही अद्भुत। घर बैठे अष्टमुदी का सफ़र करवाने के लिए धन्यवाद।


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