Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Being healthy, happy and positive with Yoga....

Being healthy, happy and positive with Yoga....

Yoga brings forth images of individuals perfoming asanas, exuding peace. In recent times yoga has almost become synonymous with Baba Ramdev so much so that the name Patanjali is assocaited with his brand of products. However historically Patanjali was a great sage in ancient India who formalized yoga through his famous book, "Yoga Sutra".
The opening prayer or invocation in any yoga class is a famous shloka dedicated to him.
"योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचां ।
मलं शरीरस्य च वैद्यकेन ॥
योऽपाकरोत्तमं प्रवरं मुनीनां ।
पतञ्जलिं प्राञ्जलिरानतोऽस्मि ॥|" 
 The first part of the shloka is a tribute to Patanjali's achievements as the founding father of yoga, grammar and ayurvedic medicine. The second part salutes him for carryinng the conch, which sounds the vibrations of the Universe and also awakens us to the victory of mind over matter.
Yoga therefore is not only a physical practice but also mental and spiritual system which helps us in maintaining physical and mental health. The seals of Indus valley civilization reflect it's prevalence since ancient times.
  It was Swami Vivekanda who introduced Yoga to the west. Howver it became more popular since 1980.
The most common yoga technics are Surya Namaskar, Asanas-yogic postures, Pranayam - breathing technics and meditation. My first brush with yoga was years ago when my brother on his visits from BHU- IT showed me a few asanas. Very typically, I gave up on it quite soon. I had the good fortune of being a student of the University of Pune and got the opportunity of learning yoga at the renowned institute of the revered yoga guru B.K.S.Iyengar but that too did not last.
My third brush with yoga was three years ago at LBSNAA where i had gone for my IAS training. Our daily routine began with physical training and I had opted for Yoga. In between streching and breathing I learnt the art of being happy, healthy and positive. Those asanas and breathing techniques are a part of my daily routine now.
I have discovered that yoga has helped me in maintaining my health and improving my immunity. And why not, for it is said that the subtle pressure infused by the asanas on our glands balances the secretion of hormones thereby bringing about equilibrium and mental peace. The practice of these asanas keeps our bodies healthy, flexible and strong. Our nervous system is revitalised and our immunity receives a boost. The movements of yoga maybe gentle but they certainly provide benefits similar to those of rigorous exercises stimulating our blood circulation and increasing our supply of oxygen. This is certainly an added benefit during the Covid 19 pandemic . As rightly said by Shri.B.K.S Iyengar one of the foremost yoga teachers "Yoga is a light, which once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.” 
Yoga has therefore been one of the most valuable gifts given to civilization by ancient India. We very often ignore the richness of our culture and heritage and give it due importance only when it gets recognized and followed internationally. This is true with Yoga also.
Till the time the United Nations declared
21st June as International Yoga Day it was never at the forefront. Now that it has been recognized internationally efforts are being made to acknowledge and uphold its significance in our day to day lives.
No doubts yoga holds the secrets to the transformation of our lives as complete individuals. We therefore have to spread it's awareness and focus on ensuring its roots are preserved for posterity. Let's inhale and exhale, breathe in, breathe out and say, I am healthy, happy and positive.....


  1. Nicely written. Yoga definitely makes a person positive,gives him both mental and physical stability..

  2. Liked the honest admission of difficulty in developing a new habit and sticking to it as indicated by first two attempts at Yoga and then succeeding in the third one. Such shared experience encourage reader to persist. Sanjay Deshmukh

  3. Its treatise on yoga in language lucid and thoughts personal. Well Written!!

    1. your comments and you....

  4. An inspiring article of healthy living


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