Thursday, 9 July 2020

The Shining Sun behind Rainy Days.....

The Shining Sun behind Rainy Days.....

Rainy days always bring back special memories to every person. From paper boats floating in the rain water to a fun-filled walk in the flowing rains each one of us has experienced this sometime. There is something magical about the rains as they engulf us in a range of emotions, at times pushing us to let go and immerse ourselves into its beauty.
There have been times when I too have walked into its arms without an umbrella, unshielded to let go of myself and my inhibitions and at times even my tears. The salty water of my eyes mingling with the raindrops reaffiming Charlie Chaplin's take on it.
Mumbai has been experiencing a downpour the last few days. The rain drops lashing down on trees, roads and buildings. Pictures and videos of the waves from the mighty Arabian Sea striking the gibber stones on Marine drive keep surging in the media. There were times when my heart would be set on getting drenched in the rains in those settings. I seem to be at odds with it today wanting to protect myself from any possible infection. Thanks to Covid 19 times have changed so much that the new normal has become devoid of innocent drenching in the rains for most of us.
I also could not help recalling a poem on 'The Rainy Day', by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
" The day is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the moldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.
My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the moldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast
And the days are dark and dreary.
Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary."

This poem is a wonderful reflection of today's world post Covid 19. Like the rains, misery is an inseparable part of our lives. The first stanza of the poem describes the dreary weather conditions. The second stanza metaphorically links it to our melancholic thoughts and misery.
However one must give full credit to the poet for ultimately steering us to positivity in the last stanza where he says that it may be raining now but the sun is still shining behind the clouds. Our grief may prevent us from seeing it now but nevertheless it would certainly shine again.
Happiness and sufferings in life are cyclical. Each one of us undergoes heartache and pain but it is important to master the art of overcoming grief. Pain is compulsory but suffering can be optional. Ironically over the weekend I spoke about happiness on my YouTube channel only to face the tragic death of one of our young employees at office the very next day. 
Each day can be so unpredictable. All that remains with us is mastering the skill of maintaining our balance.
Times are specially tough now due to the fear of Corona virus and Covid 19 yet it is important to remain optimistic because it is this positive spirit which will help us sail through with certainty. So, be still, sad heart! and cease repining; behind the clouds is the sun still shining.....


  1. Very apt for the always.

  2. Very literary and appropriate when we are fighting the despair and ling for hope.

  3. Very poetic and relevant to feelings of each one of us. However, Delhi people don't have such beautiful rain these days.

    1. It will rain and the sun will shine too....thank you

  4. It's very true that pain is compulsory but suffering is optional. One should try to learn the art of being positive . I feel over time and with prayers one can achieve this and try to be balanced. Nice views .

    1. Thank you Sujata....You always encourage me ...

  5. Very inspiring. Behind the clouds is the sun still shining - if we could hold on to this thought we will be able to sail through these difficult times. I pray that each one of us gets the strength to walk through these dark and dreary days!!



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