Wednesday, 5 October 2022

The Circle of Life...

The circle of life...

Life is beautiful,  a gift given to us by God to add beauty to this world. Yet very often we find people getting fed of life, saying that life is boring or has been unfair to them. Some of them who are more unreasonable feel suicidal and some even take the extreme step of ending their lives.
It is very difficult to know the thoughts in each person's mind. Plus some are expressive and some rarely speak out or share their thoughts. 
Often times life is not easy specially for the common man. Indeed they have to struggle on many fronts,  maybe for a house, for money or for their education. At times one's health is a cause for concern more so if afflicted by a serious ailment. Property feuds, family fights,  misunderstandings galore cause heartburn for some. End of relationship due to break up or sudden death of a loved one leads to great imbalance in some people's lives. And what about those who face racial and other kinds of discrimination and are often bullied shoving them into feelings of hopelessness? Covert shaming, disdain and backbiting cause mental disturbances.
Some are conscious enough to vent out their feelings and get support. Some muster enough courage and strength to wade through. Others just clam up leading to further dejection and break down of self esteem.
Agreed that the world appears unfair and evil at times but legends say that ultimately the good prevails over the evil. What goes up comes down and each night ends with a beautiful dawn. One just has to hang on to hope even if at the brink of breakdown because life is a circle and a beautiful one. Those of us who have seen the film, Lion King will know how Simba understood the concept of 'Circle of Life' from Mufasa,the father lion.
Perhaps it's theme song conveys it all-
"It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life."
So lets hold on to life and experience this circle through its ups and downs,  lows and highs.
As far as we are within the radius of life and manage ourselves in it's circumference we shall certainly be able to figure out all the angles and work out the pie r squares. So cheer up and never let your sunny side be down...

1 comment:

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope...

Being a Woman: Gratitude, Reflection and Hope... God created us in pairs : man and woman; not as competitors, but as equals designed to com...