Friday 11 June 2021

Monsoon magic....

Monsoon Magic....

It had been raining all day. I looked out of the window wistfully, pitter patter rain drops falling on the leaves, splashing on the ground playfully. They mingled with the water in the puddle and my thoughts, taking me back to my childhood.
Rainy season was always fun with water collecting in our compound where we ran nonchalantly playing in the muddy water, floating paper boats. Catching droplets in our hands or opening our mouths to swallow them was a favourite. Amma's eyes would be reproachful and her stern voice would forbid us at times but I would slip away with my friends once she turned the other way.  It was only when our throats were sore with singing and screaming and our legs heavy as lead after playing in the rain water we would go back home.
A hot bath and the lovely ginger tea thereafter made by Amma were like antidotes to catching a cold.  Rubbing my wet hair vigorously with the Malayali towel which absorbed the water, Amma would warn me that this would be the last time I did that. I also would nod my head dutifully to get over the shouting knowing fully well that the scene would be repeated with every downpour. At times we would race of on our cycles trying to beat the rain. 
It was impossible to get drenched unabashedly after we vacated the bungalow on my father's retirement.
There were rare occassions during my stay at the Pune University hostel when the girls would venture out into the rains.
However I relived the passion of the monsoons during my probation in Sindhudurg where monsoons were a treat. The wild cloudbursts would fill my heart with joy and I would playfully run out in the rain. Goa was near too and umpteen times I converted the fable of Goa in rains into a reality.
I relieved the child like glee with my son at times in the RCF Bungalow  allocated to my brother.
Yet getting drenched in the monsoon is something I can never get over. Today's downpour filled me with a desire to tread on the trodden path.
I ventured out gingerly with an umbrella over my head and the rain drops making a familiar sound. The roads had a washed looked without the obnoxious spit marks. The leaves in different hues were holding on to the silvery drops. The  cool breeze was refreshing and a great delight. As I stepped into the puddle and jumped over with joy I felt one with nature and so full of life.


  1. Nice writeup. I remember how Yourself and vishnu enjoyed the rains in RCF . Hopefully praying atleast this monsoon wash out the pandemic and bright sun shine come once again in all our lives.

    1. Yes...hope so...Covid gets washed away...Thanks


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